Autumn Equinox Ritual:
Thriving with Less

A free public ritual to honor the changing season

with Dr. Daniel Foor

Thursday, September 22, 2022
60 min. / 12:30pm EDT | 18:30 CEST | 22:00 IST

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Our Invitation

Join us for a free public ritual to honor the transition to Autumn in the Northern Hemisphere. In autumn, we focus on the wisdom of death, release, and subtraction. Participants will be invited to listen to their own inner guidance on how to participate in sacred simplification. We’ll invite a quiet curiosity around questions such as:

  • Where have you internalized the notion that you’ll only be secure or satisfied once achieving a specific goal?
  • Where have you created habits and attachments that are shielding rather than revealing your authenticity?
  • What if you’re already enough, right now?

This seasonal ritual is structured to be kind, culturally inclusive and focused on experiential practice. A recording will also be included for all registered participants. Please join us!


Our otherwise honorable striving can bring us further from the truth of who we are unless we cultivate the ability to tap into self-acceptance.

Daniel Foor, Ph.D.

Dr Daniel Foor

Dr. Foor lives with his wife Sarah and their two young daughters in Western North Carolina, homeland of Cherokee peoples. He is a licensed psychotherapist, doctor of psychology, and the author of Ancestral Medicine: Rituals for Personal and Family Healing. He is an initiate in the Òrìṣà tradition of Yoruba-speaking West Africa and has studied with teachers of Mahayana Buddhism, Islamic Sufism, and the older ways of his English and German ancestors. Daniel is currently enrolled in an immersive two-year training in pandemic parenting.

For more on his background, see the full bio here
