What is
Ancestral Lineage Healing?


The ancestors are our roots and mycelia. To relate with them is to deconstruct the isolation of an individualistic understanding of self, and to place ourselves in the context of the larger web. Our work seeks to broaden the field for meaningful conscious relationship, as we believe this is the best path to pervasive personal and cultural healing. 

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Who are the ancestors?

In the broadest sense they’re everyone who lived on Earth before us. They are the life of the past that nourishes and shapes the present. They are the human dead, the collective love, wisdom, and suffering of homo sapiens over the past 300,000 or so years.

Our ancestors are those among the dead who are well in spirit. This is in contrast to those we’d consider ghosts, or the troubled dead.

Why would I contact my ancestors?

Engaging in ancestral healing allows us to connect with well ancestors, freeing us from painful legacies and transforming intergenerational burdens into ancestral blessings. Many who undergo this process experience deep peace, a renewed sense of rootedness, and healing in personal relationships and cultural identities.


Six ways to get started
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200+ individuals around the world in dozens of languages.

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This is the offering for which we’re best known.

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Explore our calendar to see where we’ll be next.

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An economical starting point, and a good foot into the work.

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See what’s coming up, including free events.

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Watch the intro talk

See what’s coming up, including free events.

Join our


Receive updates from the team on offerings, tenderly written reflections and letters from Daniel, private offers and invitations. We keep it respectful and we will never sell your information.

Work one-on-one with a practitioner

All practitioners have completed an intensive nine-month training, maintain certification through Ancestral Medicine, and commit to maintain a code of ethics. Sessions are available in 20+ languages and nations, and those in the Network have widely varied skills, identities, and interests. This option is the most personal and many practitioners offer sliding scale rates.

Take the course

The course offers 12 live teaching calls and 12 accompanying pre-recorded lessons, plus an additional 12 live calls to practice your ritual skills. You’ll have unlimited access to the recordings and a deep archive of resources. You’ll also be added to our connection space where you can connect with others in the course. Live lessons are taught by Daniel Foor and others in the network (teachers rotate seasonally). Thousands of people have taken the course, and hundreds have taken it more than once.

Attend a retreat

Each year, we gather in global cities for three to five days of intensive Ancestral Healing. Some events are all-inclusive and others non-residential to offer flexibility for different budgets. The work includes rituals, trance work, drumming, singing, sharing and learning in large and small groups. Live whisper translation is often available for accessibility in the local language.

Read the book

Whether you’re a self-starter or like to prepare in advance, our book offers an affordable way to begin. Read it first, or dive deeper later with our courses.

Why would I contact my ancestors?

The work, while personal, is also cultural. Many of the social toxins troubling today’s world— sexism, racism, rigid dogmatism, supremacies of all kinds—are reflections of unmetabolized ancestral troubles exacerbated by interference from the troubled dead. By helping to ancestralize the unwell dead, we contribute to healing our culture.

This work encourages peacemaking with living family members and can positively impact relatives affected by ancestral burdens, even if they aren’t directly involved in the process.

Tending the health of our ancestral lines also helps clear the way for our eventual transition to the next reality.

Especially if family has been a source of pain or trauma, it’s fair to ask what’s in it for us. When we assist the spirits of deceased who are still in need, this also helps the living to transform intergenerational burdens into ancestral blessings. We can get free from painful legacies that no longer serve and find more peace and rootedness in our bodies, our families, and our cultures of origin. Ancestral repair work also encourages peace-making, when possible, with living family and can benefit relatives impacted by the troubled dead. The loving ancestors can also help shoulder some of the burden for those in a position of caring for living family members.

Our wise and loving ancestors offer potent support for understanding and fulfilling life purpose or destiny while here on Earth. Tending the health of our ancestral lines helps clear the way for our eventual transition to the next reality. Ancestor work is also relevant for healing arts practitioners and ritualists of whatever background. Finally, our wise and loving ancestors can bring about more successful outcomes in our work for cultural healing as many societal toxins are unmetabolized ancestral troubles exacerbated by interference from the troubled dead.

Still unsure?
Sample the work in fewer than five minutes
Watch the introductory talk in any of 24 languages.

Cos’è la guarigione del lignaggio ancestrale?

Mi az ősi származású gyógyítás?

Mitä on Ancestral Lineage Healing?

نسب کی شفا یابی کیا ہے؟

Na czym polega uzdrawianie linii przodków?


¿Qué es la Sanación del Linaje Ancestral?

Qu’est-ce que la guérison de la lignée ancestrale ?

Wat is voorouderlijke afstammings-genezing?

Mi az ősi származású gyógyítás?

شفای نسب اجدادی چیست؟

Ataların Soy Şifası Nedir?

Çfarë është shërimi i linjës stërgjyshore?

조상혈통치유란 무엇인가?

Τι ειναι η θεραπεια της προγονικης γενεαλογιας;

Was ist Ahnenheilung?

Daniel Foor

Founder and Director of Ancestral Medicine

Daniel is a doctor of psychology, experienced ritualist, and the author of Ancestral Medicine: Rituals for Personal and Family Healing. He is an initiate in the Òrìṣà tradition of Yoruba-speaking West Africa and has learned from teachers of Mahayana Buddhism, Islamic Sufism, and the older ways of his English and German ancestors. Daniel is passionate about training aspiring leaders and change makers in the intersections of cultural healing, animist ethics, and applied ritual arts. He lives with his wife and two daughters near Granada, Spain in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains.

Dr. Daniel Foor smiling in front of a warm background
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