A twelve session series on

Ancestors &
Cultural Healing

with Daniel Foor and Guests

About the Course

For over 20 years, Ancestral Lineage Healing has provided an effective approach to ancestral reconnection for personal and family healing. This “level two” course deepens that journey with over forty hours of live teachings and practices to learn to safely navigate the deep waters of cultural wounding and systemic harm in ritual partnership with the ancestors. Course material is kind, clear, psychologically grounded, ritually safe, and rooted in anti-supremacist ethics.

Culture is a dreaming between the living, the dead, and the land. And even the dead who lived in troubled ways can become potent allies for positive cultural change.

— Daniel Foor

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24 live calls
Beginning January 7
10:30am LA | 1:30pm NYC | 19:30 Madrid


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10:30am LA | 1:30pm NYC | 19:30 Madrid

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12 hours of live teaching with Daniel Foor & guest teachers

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Followed by 30 min breakouts anchored by trained ritualists

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15+ hours of pre-recorded teachings & lessons

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12 additional live support calls with Dr. Amber McZeal

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More than 24 substantive guided experiential practices

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50+ carefully curated resources to accompany lessons

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Access to a dedicated community discussion space

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Access to an additional six-part series, a $165 value.

Course Overview

Scientists, therapists, historians, and many spiritual teachers can actually agree on one thing: the past is alive within us. Much of the pain and chaos in our individual lives—and in the world—started long before our birth. But the real question is, how can we transform inherited burdens and heal difficult intergenerational legacies in lasting ways?

For over 20 years, Ancestral Lineage Healing has provided a tangible, effective approach to partnering with ancestral guides for personal and family healing. This course is the long-awaited “level two” or sequel to those teachings.

Participants will learn to safely partner with their healed and wise ancestors to resolve intergenerational imprints from troubles such as Earth disconnection, sexism, colonialism, racism, and economic exploitation. The course is for anyone committed to personal and cultural healing, and will be of particular interest to therapists, holistic healers, and those working for systemic change. Because of the psychologically and culturally vulnerable nature of the terrain, this is our only course at Ancestral Medicine with substantial prerequisites.

Prerequisites & Guidelines

This offering is designed as a more advanced or level two experience. The material picks up where the foundational Ancestral Lineage Healing body of material leaves off. Some of the practices here won’t make sense to engage with if you don’t have this foundation in place. We ask participants to meet one prerequisite and do a personal check-in before committing in order to ensure preparedness, ritual safety, and to maximize your experience of this offering.

The Prerequisite. We ask that all participants have at least two ancestral lineages in a healed condition as understood through the Ancestral Lineage Healing framework. Paths to this outcome could be from individual sessions with a practitioner, participation in the online course (Ancestral Lineage Healing), dedicated self-study with the book, or participation in an in-person intensive. Having two well and healed lineages does not need to be a years-long process. It is likely that if you engage with the work in a focused way in the months and weeks beforehand you can ready yourself for this offering in time for the start of the course in January 2025.

The learning environment is a no-supremacy zone. Participants are expected to be present for and optionally to engage in open, honest conversations about systemic harm. While kindness is the vibe, teachings will not shy away from uncomfortable truths or cater to fragility or colonialist views. The space is for those inclined to face difficult realities with minimal defensiveness.

You’ll find a cis white guy at the helm. Please be sure you’re open to a course on systemic harms and ancestral healing in a multicultural space with a lead teacher who is a cis-gendered American white guy. You can reference our course Inhabiting the Times (included with registration) and our core values to assess for congruency. See also the FAQ and our guest teachers.

It’s better if you’re feeling resourced. We ask that you check in with your direct knowing and ancestors to confirm that you’re in a sufficiently resourced place to benefit from this course and the depth work entailed. The material is not extreme (see curriculum below), but it’s tender terrain that’s best traversed from a place of internal stability.

We truly have no means or interest to try to assess your ancestral, cultural, or psychological state. We simply ask that you take to heart these considerations before completing registration.

Course Curriculum


Lesson 1: Cultural Healing Between Well Lineages

  • Establish course guidelines for ritual, cultural, and psychological safety
  • Review the foundations of lineage healing and work with related cultural themes
  • Learn the core principles and framework for healing between multiple lineages
  • Practice inviting deeper healing between two already well lineages

Live Call Theme: Allowing Lineages Stories to Change

Lesson 2: Animist Love and Work with Antidotes

  • Discover how to identify and ritually apply specific cultural remedies
  • Focus with your people on tending lineage wounds of Earth disconnection
  • Consider the challenges of working with intergenerational cultural themes
  • Directly access and expand into animist antidotes on your lineage of focus

Live Call Theme: Expanding into Lineage Ties of Kinship

Lesson 3: Equity and Sharing as Sacred Law

  • Focus on wounds related to greed, enslavement, and socioeconomic class
  • Consider ways that material inequality informs other types of supremacy
  • Learn to distinguish personal from ancestral pain (while honoring both)
  • Practice accessing sacred sources of abundance on your lineage of focus

Live Call Theme:Exploring Self-Worth in Relation to Resources

Lesson 4: Reinforcing Shifts with Tangible Acts of Repair

  • Spend time reinforcing lineage healing and exploring ways to go deeper
  • Consider ways to advance healing from good to great to profoundly awake
  • Examine the cultural and ritual importance of concrete acts of repair
  • Expand initial healing by enacting tangible offering and repair practices

Live Call Theme: Anchoring Repair Work in Land and Body

Lesson 5: Paleolithic and Decolonial Feminism

  • Orient feminist values with long-term perspectives and Earth wisdom
  • Examine consent as cornerstone of any form of healthy culture
  • Expand into ways you personally experience and embody ancestral gifts
  • Directly welcome elder ancestral support to transform patriarchal wounds

Live Call Theme: Composting Patriarchy in Relational Ways

Lesson 6: Ancestral Sex, Love, & Body Positivity

  • Invite ancestral guidance on sacred expressions of sexual and life force energy
  • Affirm gender diversity and queer love as ancestral, species-level wisdom
  • Practice sharing food with the dead, also as an affirmation of body positivity
  • Actively invite lineage repair for times when sex and power were misused

Live Call Theme: Embracing the Wisdom of our Queer Ancestors

Lesson 7: Colonialism, Consent, and Belonging

  • Explore ancestral dynamics of imperialism, colonialism, and occupation
  • Learn how to identify, embrace, and ritually work with generational debts
  • Consider ways to embody wholeness while inhabiting systems in denial
  • Engage in practices to face lineage impacts of colonialism and invite healing

Live Call Theme: Living from Wholeness within Toxic Systems

Lesson 8: Racism and Other Ancestral Supremacies

  • Reflect in resourced ways on the lineage impacts of ancestral supremacies
  • Embrace ways our innate recognition of differences can be harnessed for good
  • Invite ancestral perspective on strategies to interrupt this type of supremacy
  • Practice inviting healing from the ancestors around lineage impacts of racism

Live Call Theme: Welcoming Ancestral Wisdom on Sacred Difference

Lesson 9: Leaning into Cultural Depossession

  • Reflect on how the various supremacies named so far also dwell within
  • Consider harmful cultural currents and beliefs as types of possessing spirits
  • Learn how to apply the basics of depossession ritual to lineage healing
  • Practice addressing impacts from hazardous forces on the lineage of focus

Live Call Theme: Valuing Warriorship in the Struggle for a Just World

Lesson 10: Kindness and Ideological Supremacy

  • Consider ways that righteousness and rigidity can hijack any teachings
  • Examine lineage impacts from ideological supremacy and disconnect-from-Self
  • Explore personal and lineage loyalties rooted more in ego and identity than love
  • Practice alignment with great kindness while embodying specific lineage gifts

Live Call Theme: Discerning Healthy versus Harmful Righteousness

Lesson 11: Gathering your Medicinal Poisons

  • Learn safe, pragmatic ways to work with lineage poisons over the long-term
  • Deepen your understand of the specific flavor of awakening on this lineage
  • Explore culture as emergent and arising through partnership with elder forces
  • Practice consolidation of specific lineage poisons and their antidotes

Live Call Theme: Reinforcing Deeper Layers of Earth Connection

Lesson 12: Increasing your Capacity for Good

  • Consider impacts of lineage healing on your energy body and daily life
  • Invite fresh reflection on alignment with destiny and personal capacities
  • Learn ways to carry the cultural tending forward as grounded service
  • Practice integrating and embodying newly established lineage blessings

Live Call Theme: Rooting Lineage Healing in Embodied Service

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Lesson 1: Cultural Healing Between Well Lineages

- Establish course guidelines for ritual, cultural, and psychological safety
- Review the foundations of lineage healing and work with related cultural themes
- Learn the core principles and framework for healing between multiple lineages
- Practice inviting deeper healing between two already well lineages

Live Call Theme: Allowing Lineages Stories to Change

Lesson 2: Animist Love and Work with Antidotes

- Discover how to identify and ritually apply specific cultural remedies.
- Focus with your people on tending lineage wounds of Earth disconnection
- Consider the challenges of working with intergenerational cultural themes
- Directly access and expand into animist antidotes on your lineage of focus

Live Call Theme: Expanding into Lineage Ties of Kinship

Lesson 3: Equity and Sharing as Sacred Law

- Focus on wounds related to greed, enslavement, and socioeconomic class
- Consider ways that material inequality informs other types of supremacy
- Learn to distinguish personal from ancestral pain (while honoring both)
- Practice accessing sacred sources of abundance on your lineage of focus

Live Call Theme: Exploring Self-Worth in Relation to Resources

Lesson 4: Reinforcing Shifts with Tangible Acts of Repair

- Spend time reinforcing lineage healing and exploring ways to go deeper
- Consider ways to advance healing from good to great to profoundly awake
- Examine the cultural and ritual importance of concrete acts of repair
- Expand initial healing by enacting tangible offering and repair practices

Live Call Theme: Anchoring Repair Work in Land and Body

Lesson 5: Paleolithic and Decolonial Feminism

- Orient feminist values with long-term perspectives and Earth wisdom
- Examine consent as cornerstone of any form of healthy culture
- Expand into ways you personally experience and embody ancestral gifts
- Directly welcome elder ancestral support to transform patriarchal wounds

Live Call Theme: Composting Patriarchy in Relational Ways

Lesson 6: Ancestral Sex, Love, & Body Positivity

- Invite ancestral guidance on sacred expressions of sexual and life force energy
- Affirm gender diversity and queer love as ancestral, species-level wisdom
- Practice sharing food with the dead, also as an affirmation of body positivity
- Actively invite lineage repair for times when sex and power were misused

Live Call Theme: Embracing the Wisdom of our Queer Ancestors

Lesson 7: Colonialism, Consent, and Belonging

- Explore ancestral dynamics of imperialism, colonialism, and occupation
- Learn how to identify, embrace, and ritually work with generational debts
- Consider ways to embody wholeness while inhabiting systems in denial
- Engage in practices to face lineage impacts of colonialism and invite healing

Live Call Theme: Living from Wholeness within Toxic Systems

Lesson 8: Racism and Other Ancestral Supremacies

- Reflect in resourced ways on the lineage impacts of ancestral supremacies
- Embrace ways our innate recognition of differences can be harnessed for good
- Invite ancestral perspective on strategies to interrupt this type of supremacy
- Practice inviting healing from the ancestors around lineage impacts of racism

Live Call Theme: Welcoming Ancestral Wisdom on Sacred Difference

Lesson 9: Leaning into Cultural Depossession

- Reflect on how the various supremacies named so far also dwell within
- Consider harmful cultural currents and beliefs as types of possessing spirits
- Learn how to apply the basics of depossession ritual to lineage healing
- Practice addressing impacts from hazardous forces on the lineage of focus

Live Call Theme: Valuing Warriorship in the Struggle for a Just World

Lesson 10: Kindness and Ideological Supremacy

- Consider ways that righteousness and rigidity can hijack any teachings
- Examine lineage impacts from ideological supremacy and disconnect-from-Self
- Explore personal and lineage loyalties rooted more in ego and identity than love
- Practice alignment with great kindness while embodying specific lineage gifts

Live Call Theme: Discerning Healthy versus Harmful Righteousness

Lesson 11: Gathering your Medicinal Poisons

- Learn safe, pragmatic ways to work with lineage poisons over the long-term
- Deepen your understand of the specific flavor of awakening on this lineage
- Explore culture as emergent and arising through partnership with elder forces
- Practice consolidation of specific lineage poisons and their antidotes

Live Call Theme: Reinforcing Deeper Layers of Earth Connection

Lesson 12: Increasing your Capacity for Good

- Consider impacts of lineage healing on your energy body and daily life
- Invite fresh reflection on alignment with destiny and personal capacities
- Learn ways to carry the cultural tending forward as grounded service
- Practice integrating and embodying newly established lineage blessings

Live Call Theme: Rooting Lineage Healing in Embodied Service

Register for
Ancestors & Cultural Healing

3 and 6 month payment plans available at checkout at 0% interest.


  • This rate helps us make our work accessible to those with modest means and applies if you have investments and/or access to economic abundance.
  • 3 payments of $250
    or 6 payments of $125

Standard Price

  • Our standard rate allows us to sustain our work. This typically applies if you’re employed in the Global North, and you’re able to provide for your needs in a consistent way.
  • 3 payments of $208
    or 6 payments of $104


  • This rate applies if you’re relatively less economically advantaged in the ways listed under “standard rate” or that cost is simply out of reach for you financially.
  • 3 payments of $183
    or 6 payments of $92

If none of these rates are accessible to you and you’re called to this work, we offer a limited number of scholarships.
Applications will close on Thursday January 2. Replies may take time due to high volume, but all replies will be sent by Friday January 3.

What’s Included:

  • 12 live calls led by Daniel and guest teachers
  • Each with 30 min breakout spaces anchored by trained ritualists
  • 12 pre-recorded lessons, 60-90 min each
  • Substantive guided practices with each lesson and main call
  • 12 additional live support calls with Dr. Amber McZeal
  • An additional six-lesson course, Inhabiting the Times, at no extra cost
  • Access to a dedicated community forum for course participants
  • 50+ additional resources to accompany lessons
  • Responsive, caring, and helpful customer support
  • Lifetime access to all course materials

Early Bird Pricing

  • 24% off thru October 25 or while spaces last
Join our


Receive updates from the team on offerings, tenderly written reflections and letters from Daniel, exclusive offers and invitations. We keep it respectful and we will never sell your information.

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Course Schedule

Main teaching calls with Daniel and Guest Teachers

12 Tuesdays beginning Jan 7 at 10:30am Vancouver / 1:30pm New York / 19:30 Madrid

Practice & Ritual Support calls With Dr. Amber McZeal

12 Thursdays beginning Jan 9 at 5:30pm Vancouver / 8:30pm NYC / 10:30am Sydney (Friday)

The course has three weekly components:

– Twelve pre-recorded lessons, each 60-90 minutes in duration
– A weekly main teaching call for 60 min followed by 30 min small breakouts 
– An additional 60 minute weekly call for support with practice and ritual skills

We recommend setting aside 2.5 to 4 hrs per week, depending on how much you’d like to engage. Teachings are fairly sequential, so it’s good to honor that flow, but there’s no pressure to “keep up.” Everything is recorded and you’ll have indefinite access to all material.

Daniel Foor

Lead Teacher

Daniel is a doctor of psychology, experienced ritualist, and the author of Ancestral Medicine: Rituals for Personal and Family Healing. He is an initiate in the Òrìṣà tradition of Yoruba-speaking West Africa and has learned from teachers of Mahayana Buddhism, Islamic Sufism, and the older ways of his English and German ancestors. Daniel is passionate about training aspiring leaders and change makers in the intersections of cultural healing, animist ethics, and applied ritual arts. He lives with his wife and two daughters near Granada, Spain in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains.

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Amber McZeal

Guest Teacher, Practice & Ritual Support Calls

Writer, vocalist, & sacred scholar Amber McZeal utilizes sound therapy and guided somatic imagery to engage the knowledge of the body within an interactive and liberatory arts practice. Amber weaves somatic praxis with social justice and spirituality, in an approach that centers the psyche as foundational in movements to end oppression and create more humane social & cultural relationships. She holds an M.A. in Somatic Depth psychology and a Ph.D. in Depth psychology with a specialization in Community, Liberation, Indigenous, and Ecological psychologies. Her ancestors are from Louisiana, with roots in Haiti, Cameroon, Congo, Nigeria, Benin, France, Spain, and Indigenous North America. Amber lives on the Indigenous lands of the Ohlone people in Oakland, CA.

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Shannon Willis

Guest Teacher

Shannon is a dedicated ritualist working at the intersection of dream midwifery, psychopomp, ancestral and oracular practices. She holds a Masters in Leadership and Professional Counseling and has more than four decades of experience leading individuals, groups, and organizations through consultation and ritual. She is an initiate of Ọbàtálá and Ọ̀ṣun in the lineage of Olúwo Fálolú Adésànyà Awoyadé, a devoted student of Jhankri shamanism through the 27th generational lineage of Bhola Nath Banstola, and Ancestral Medicine’s Ritual Director. She is a descendant of settler-colonists from the British Isles, Belgium, France, freed peoples of West Africa, and indigenous Cherokee and Kaskaskia/Illini nations.

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Langston Kahn

Guest Teacher

Langston Kahn is a queer black shamanic practitioner specializing in radical transformation and the author of Deep Liberation: Shamanic Tools for Reclaiming Wholeness in a Culture of Trauma. He stands firmly at the crossroads, his practice informed by Inner Relationship Focusing, initiations into traditions of the African Diaspora, the contemporary shamanic tradition of The Last Mask Center, and the guidance of his helping spirits and ancestors. Many of his mother’s people were brought early to North America as slaves from Nigeria, Mali, Benin, and Togo and include Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews. His father’s people are Swiss, Scottish, English, and German Jews.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Main Teaching Calls | 90min | Tuesdays

  • Teaching with Daniel and Guest Teachers – First 60min
  • Small Breakout Groups with Supporters – Final 30min
10:30am Vancouver / 1:30pm NYC / 19:30 Madrid

Daniel will anchor every main call and will be joined on half the calls by guest teachers as listed below.

Call 1: January 7, 2025 
Call 2: January 14
Call 3: January 21 with Shannon Willis
Call 4: January 28
Call 5: February 4 with Shannon Willis
Call 6: February 11 with Langston Kahn
— Break week — 
Call 7: February 25 with Amber McZeal
Call 8: March 4 with Amber McZeal
Call 9: March 11 with Langston Kahn
Call 10: March 18
Call 11: March 25
Call 12: April 1

Practice & Ritual Support Calls | 60min | Thursdays

  • All 12 calls will be anchored by Amber McZeal
5:30pm Vancouver / 8:30pm NYC / 10:30am Melbourne (Friday)

Call 1: January 9, 2025
Call 2: January 16
Call 3: January 23
Call 4: January 30
Call 5: February 6
Call 6: February 13
Call 7: February 20
Call 8: February 27
Call 9: March 6
Call 10: March 13
Call 11: March 20
Call 12: March 27

The timing of the main calls favor participants in Europe, Africa, and the Americas. Practice and Ritual Support calls favor the Americas, Asia, and Oceania. Thanks to our international community of learners for your understanding around the challenges of time-zone inclusivity. All who register get lifetime access to recordings, and you’re welcome to send in questions for our teaching team to answer during live calls or in written form.

Yes. All live teaching calls will be recorded and available in the course portal for you to watch anytime, with lifetime access. Just give us a day or two to get them into the portal.

The main calls focus on key course content and usually reference the most recent lessons. The hour of teaching is followed by 30 minutes of small break out groups. The Ritual Practice & Support calls emphasize time for questions related to practice and integration of course material and will also be recorded and accessible later.

Unlike every other course at Ancestral Medicine, this really is a “level two” course. For example, in the first lesson, you’ll be invited to engage in experiential practices that only make sense if two or more of your lineages are in a healed state (based on the Ancestral Lineage Healing framework). Doing those experiential practices without the foundation of two healed lineages would not only be ineffective but would open up unnecessary risk from engagement with the troubled dead.

We are flexible about how a participant might complete this prerequisite—sessions with a practitioner, participation in the Ancestral Lineage Healing online course, work at in-person intensives, self-guided practice based on the book, or a combination of the above. If in doubt, you could schedule a session with a practitioner in the Directory. If cost is a barrier to accessing sessions, see the “Accepts Low Income Clients” filter or the Collective Action page.

This course directly addresses vulnerable topics related to ongoing violence and harm in the world. The material may stir complicated emotions for some participants. Support outside of the lessons may be helpful as the course is not a replacement for personal therapy or spiritual care.

Enrollment includes access to our Community Forum – an online discussion group of students past and present, including supportive members from Ancestral Medicine’s Practitioner Network and Ancestral Medicine staff. Sharing experiences, reflecting on practices, and making connections in this private online community can provide one form of support.

Please also consider reaching out to someone in the Ancestral Medicine Practitioner Network for one-on-one support and guidance. Most are available for private individualized sessions, and many are willing to provide low-cost sessions to support financial accessibility needs.

To the very best of our ability, yes. All Ancestral Medicine offerings seek to embody an anti-racist, feminist, LGBTQ-celebrating, decolonizing and Earth-honoring ethic. They are also class-aware and internationally conscious. We offer a heartfelt, non-dogmatic approach that seeks to honor each participant’s unique life experiences and ancestral storylines. Resources included with each lesson favor ancestrally and geographically diverse voices, and the online Community Forum includes BIPOC, SWANA, and LGBTQ-only discussion spaces. Additionally, the course will include ancestrally and culturally diverse call anchors, guest teachers, and break-out group supporters with the option of being in a BIPOC, LGBTQ, or SWANA small breakout group.

All of our lesson videos for this course have closed captioning, as well as a full transcript and additional downloadable audio-only versions. If you have needs not met here, please feel free to reach out to us at info@ancestralmedicine.org.

For full-length online courses (8 weeks or more), we offer a 30-day money back guarantee starting when the first lesson is released, no questions asked. See our Terms & Conditions.

Visit our ancestors hub to explore all of our offerings related to this theme across all levels of experience.

Have a question that’s not answered here?
