Learn to safely and effectively guide
ancestral healing practices for others.
This training will serve as a solid foundation for service-oriented work with the ancestors and will also complement and support your current skills and offerings.
If you feel called to this work, we encourage you to prepare now for the next open application period in 2026. The best way to do this is to work on your own lineages in the meantime. When you apply, we’d like you to be familiar with the process of Ancestral Lineage Healing, to know your guides, and to have at least two lineages in a healed condition.
The best paths to arrive here are as follows. Try one or all, whatever is most accessible to you: Enroll in Ancestral Lineage Healing online, attend an in person intensive, or work with a practitioner, many of whom offer low income options. The book is also an excellent start, and also the most economical.
Please enter your information below and we’ll be sure to send an email when the next application period opens.
You’ll develop foundational ritual proficiencies, including:
- all the necessary steps to safely guide others in lasting and profound ancestral healing
- knowledge of both the psychological and cultural layers of ancestral healing
- understanding how to assist the dying and recently deceased
- skills for working with the troubled dead and hazardous spirits
- support for helping your clients to clarify and live their personal destiny
Participants join an international network of over 200 ritualists, holistic healers, psychotherapists, activists and community leaders, midwives and hospice workers, artists, diviners, genealogists, practitioners of traditional and/or Western medicines, and priests of diverse traditions. If none of these describe you but you feel called to support others in their ancestral healing, we encourage you to apply.
In addition to the personal transformation that results from partnering with your ancestors as mentors and colleagues–which is foundational to this training–you will deepen your capacity and skillfulness as a ritualist.
The heart of the training
Learn to guide practices of ancestral reconnection in ways that are ritually safe, culturally skillful, and effective at catalyzing personal and family healing.
Immersive learning
The training format is a well-organized blend of self-paced teachings, live ritual, peer exchanges, personal mentorship, and group teachings and discussions.
Monthly CE teachings
Each month we host respected, dynamic international guests for continuing education teachings on relevant topics in culture, history, healing, and ritual arts.
A rigorous curriculum
Trainees learn to work with the lineage healing method, cultural layers, troubled spirits, and other kinds of ancestors with support from a kind and reliable team.
What to expect
Foundational to this training is the personal transformation that results from partnering with your ancestors as mentors and colleagues. During the training you will deepen your capacity and skillfulness as a ritualist, and develop practical healership skills.
In addition, you can expect:
- Focused training on how to guide practices of ancestral reconnection in ways that are ritually safe, culturally skillful, and effective at catalyzing personal and family healing.
- An immersive learning experience that utilizes a blend of self-paced teachings, live experiential practices, peer exchanges, and spaces for network-wide teachings and discussions. Teachings are rooted in an established practitioner Code of Ethics and also reflect Ancestral Medicine’s core values.
- A rigorous curriculum anchored by three Practice Intensives during which trainees both study and practice specific steps and components of the lineage healing process, with support from Daniel and ritualists in the Ancestral Healing Practitioner Network. Learning is also supported by timely communications, reliable learning environments, and responsive staff.
- Engagement throughout the training with an experienced mentor for personal support, direct observation, and feedback critical to refining ritual facilitation skills.
- Monthly Continuing Education teachings featuring guest teachers on topics of culture, history, healing, and ritual arts.
- Extensive resources including a detailed Ancestral Healing Practitioner Training Manual, access to Ancestral Medicine’s three foundational courses, access to all past and future Continuing Education offerings, engagement with a diverse international network of ritualists and healers, and opportunities through Ancestral Medicine for client referrals.
Training Structure
This training is nine-months long, and is anchored by three Practice Intensive periods which run four-to-six weeks each. In the periods between intensives, there’s a lighter schedule of required teachings. This format provides trainees with space to effectively study and practice each element of the training.
Our training is designed to support an international cohort and includes a combination of self-paced and live teachings.
To complete the training/certification process, you must engage with all required foundational elements, be in active collaboration with mentors and supervisors, and provide documentation for 40 public client sessions (these 40 sessions do not all have to be completed during the nine-month training period). In addition to the 40 public sessions, the required elements are: three practice intensives, roughly 20 required 90-minutes teachings (demo sessions, cultural teachings, etc), at least 12 exchange sessions with other trainees, and individual and group mentorship sessions.
Practice Intensive Weeks | Four to six weeks, three times, over the nine months
During each Practice Intensive period, pre-recorded teachings and demonstrations are released weekly and trainees then guide the practices introduced with live supervision from certified practitioner/supporters. These practice exchanges are then followed by live discussions led by either Daniel or by Shannon Willis, Ancestral Medicine’s Ritual Director. During the four to six week Practice Intensive period, you should expect to dedicate at least six hours per week for study, practice, and discussion. A number of international time zone options will be available for scheduling the weekly live practice exchanges.
Interim Weeks Overview
Between Practice Intensives, there will be a variety of required trainings (roughly one per week). These are to deepen your learning, and we recruit speakers and assemble materials with great care to provide you with the richest learning experience possible. During interim periods, participants will also meet in small groups with their mentors and mentorship pod and should expect to dedicate at least three hours to training and practice.
After the second Practice Intensive, participants who are caught up with study and prepared to proceed will further develop their skills through supervised ancestral healing sessions with clients. This happens in the form of individual mentorship, live observation, and group supervision.
Training Schedule
Cohort Eight orientation and the first Practice Intensive will begin in late September/early October 2024. Here is a link for the full detailed schedule and an overview of the timeline:
- Oct 3 & 14, 2024: Orientation sessions for Cohort Seven.
- Oct 22 – Nov 29 2024: Practice Intensive One – Ancestral Lineage Healing
- Dec 10, 2024 – April 8, 2025: Interim One – Teachings for Expanding into the Method
- April 22 – May 15, 2025: Practice Intensive Two – Cultural Layers and Client Challenges
- May 22 – July 3, 2025: Interim Two – Public Practice and Supervision
- July 8 – July 31, 2025: Practice Intensive Three – Deepening with Ancestral Healing Practices
Cohort 8 Special Focus: Decolonization, Indigeneity, and Belonging
The 2024-2025 Practitioner Training (Cohort Eight) is the last in a four-year cycle focusing each year on a specific geographic and cultural region. The intention has been to support international access to training opportunities and ancestral healing services; to deepen historical and cultural knowledge among the Ancestral Medicine Practitioner Network; and to enact a vision of global ancestral healing and cooperation. After three cycles; it’s working! Ancestral lineage healing sessions are now available in over 20 languages and as many nations.
With respect to these regional cycles, the training fundamentals are always consistent, no matter the regional focus of that cycle. What does change is the following:
- The timing of group meetings will be accessible for participants in the region.
- Half of the training spaces and most of the available financial aid will be reserved for applicants with ancestral, geographic, and cultural ties to the region of focus.
- Continuing Education teachings and guest speakers feature the region of focus.
The four-year regional cycle as originally envisioned is as follows:
- Cohort Five (2021-2022) – Europe, West Asia, and North Africa (complete)
- Cohort Six (2022-2023) – Africa and the Diaspora (complete)
- Cohort Seven (2023-2024) – Asia and Oceania (underway)
- Cohort Eight (2024-2025) – The Americas
When preparing for this fourth and final cycle in the series, what became clear to me (Daniel) is that the pattern needed to be adjusted. Rather than focus only on the Americas (and specifically the Indigenous peoples of the Americas), the 2024-25 regional focus will be “Decolonization, Indigeneity, and Belonging.” This recognizes the depth of the ongoing harm of European colonization (ongoing) of the Americas but also the solidarity of Indigenous peoples worldwide and the larger dynamics of colonialism, empire, and cultural supremacies.
Many of our guest presenters for the Continuing Education series will be Indigenous peoples, including Indigenous people from Mapuche lands to Nunavut, Hawai’i to Borikén (a.k.a. “the Americas”). And the choice to expand the focus to decolonization recognizes the deep solidarity worldwide among those surviving and thriving, often on traditional lands, despite the ongoing pressures of colonialism.
With respect to meeting the requirements for available scholarship funds, Ancestral Medicine truly takes no joy in gatekeeping who is Indigenous or who is suffering from the impacts of colonialism more broadly. The majority of our scholarship resources will be reserved for Indigenous peoples and perhaps for others directly living the oppression of colonialism and occupation of traditional lands (e.g., Tibetans, Palestinians). Our team will apply a pragmatic, common sense discernment process for applicants claiming regional criteria that includes: lived experience, degree of long-term investment in the well-being of Indigenous and allied communities, and personal ancestry.
This regional focus does not mean all training participants will be from that region or of that background. For context, in the 2021-24 cohorts, around 35-50% of training participants met the regional criteria in any given year. There is no need to meet the regional criteria for Cohort Eight to apply for this training cycle; in fact trainees able to pay the standard training amount both benefit from the training both and also make possible the generous scholarship reductions for those who do meet the regional criteria.
The Price & Scholarships
The cost for this nine month professional training and certification is $7,500 USD.
Payment plan options for durations up to 24 months are available, and participants are required to confirm a payment plan upon acceptance into the training. A $500 dollar discount is available for participants who are able to pay in full within three months of registration.
We’re deeply committed to fostering a network that’s globally, economically, and culturally diverse. As such, the standard cost of the program enables room for financial assistance for less economically advantaged applicants. This supports ongoing sustainability for a balanced Network. If you’re economically advantaged (employed in the Global North, own property or land, expect some sort of inheritance, have investments, etc.) and you’re not comfortable with the rate you’ll pay supporting access for others, this probably isn’t the right program for you.
Need-based scholarships are typically reserved for BIPOC, those who natively speak a language other than English, LGBTQ+ folks and applicants from economically disadvantaged nations or backgrounds. Our regional focus for this training cycle is “Indigenous People & the Americas” which means our first priority for scholarships will mostly be Indigenous peoples (held in an inclusive international way, even though we will give some emphasis to Indigenous Peoples in the Americas during our Continuing Education series). All who are interested are encouraged to apply.
We do our best to find mutually agreeable solutions for all, and please understand that in order to sustain our business, the livelihoods of our employees, and the health of our network, we cannot accommodate every single request and we do our best and can often work something out, so err on the side of letting us know what you may need.
Eligibility, Requirements, Prerequisites
We ask that applicants be grounded in their own psychological and spiritual well-being prior to application. While the training includes personal and ancestral healing, the focus is learning to guide ancestral healing for others.
Qualities we value in applicants:
- Ongoing commitment to personal healing and wellness
- Vocational calling to serve others through ritual arts and spiritual practice
- Experience with ancestral reverence and ritual
- Commitment to cultural equity
- Established practice in some kind of healing art or work for cultural change
- Historical and cultural literacy
- Earth reverence and ecological awareness
- Openness to learning and being part of an international community
You must have completed our 12 session foundational course, Ancestral Lineage Healing.
This requirement may be fulfilled by participation in previous cycles of the course or through enrollment in any of our 2024 cycles. The start dates for this 12 week course in 2024 are February 4, May 12, and September 8. If you plan to attend in September, you’ll be in the course and the training concurrently through November 2024. Register for the course here.
You must attend four Ancestral Lineage Healing sessions with the practitioner of your choice from our network by September 30, 2024
We require that applicants experience the work they will be training to do themselves, from the client perspective. Low-income sessions are available. Search the practitioner directory.
You must have healed two or more of your own lineages by September 30, 2024.
Applicants are requested to have carried out ancestral healing work – through any combination of personal sessions with Network practitioners, online coursework, in-person intensives, or personal ritual work – along at least two of your blood lineages in ways that result in healing for any among the dead who are still in need. This criteria establishes a baseline of ancestral wellness within the training vessel and creates a foundation for training to guide others in their healing. At least four foundational lineages must be in a healed condition before seeing public clients (as early as May 2025).
Access and comfort being online.
The training is held online using Ancestral Medicine’s course portal, connection space, and tools like Zoom for live teachings. Applicants need a reliable internet connection, a relatively quiet space during teachings and practice sessions, the ability to use and/or install applications for accessing documents and recordings, and an openness to engage in online spaces.
Availability for scheduled group exchanges.
The weekly exchanges during Practice Intensive weeks and group mentorship meetings are important to attend live. Multiple options for scheduling will be provided. The schedule for additional required teachings rotates to support international accessibility. Trainees are encouraged to attend teachings live as much as possible – recordings of all teachings are also provided.
Time commitment.
The three Practice Intensives are four-to-six weeks each and require at least six hours per week. The training requirements during the interim periods between intensives will require a minimum of three hours each week.
What happens after I apply?
Upon completion of your application, you will receive an auto-confirmation that we have in fact received your application. If you don’t, please follow-up with us at:
Each application is reviewed by three people to arrive at the most balanced and fair outcome possible, and we’ll typically respond within one week with either an invitation to interview or to decline. Interviews are conducted with respected practitioners on our team and reviewed by Shannon and Daniel.
If after ten days you have not received a response (please first check your spam filter), feel free to email us at We’re responsive, so assume there has been a glitch.
We typically come to a final decision within a few days of the interview process. We’ll communicate our choice to you as soon as we’ve decided. Again, if more than ten days have passed, please be in touch again.
If invited to join us, registration serves as your confirmation. Registration includes the invitation to make an initial payment to confirm and reserve your space in the Cohort. We’ll also ask you to review and sign the training agreement forms.
Applications close on August 18, 2024, and the first group orientation is on September 23, 2024.
Our Team
Daniel Foor
Founder and Director of Ancestral Medicine
Shannon Willis
Ritual Director of Ancestral Medicine
Shannon is a dedicated ritualist working at the intersection of dream midwifery, psychopomping, ancestral reverence and oracularship. She founded the Centre for Ritual and Reverence, where she devotes her passion to helping others navigate the complexities of being in service in the seen and unseen realms. She is a student and devotee as an initiate of Ọbàtálá, and Ọ̀ṣun, in the lineage of Olúwo Fálolú Adésànyà Awoyadé, and of Nepali shamanism under the tutelage of Bhola Nath Banstola. As a certified practitioner and teacher of Ancestral Lineage Healing, she also is the Ritual Director for the Ancestral Medicine Practitioner Network. Learn more
The Ancestral Medicine Practitioner Network is an international association of over 200 ritualists and healers representing more than 20 languages and nations. Through the course of the training, you’ll learn from and be supported by at least 30 of these good people. They will then serve as a support and catalyst for your ongoing personal and professional support and development.
As a psychologist, the training has helped me expand and de-colonize ways I conceptualize intergenerational trauma, cultural burdens, and systemic oppression on any given lineage across time and history. The training gave me a relational-based practice to offer clients as an adjunctive to psychotherapy that helps them access and embody gifts and blessings of their own ancestral lineages, repair intergenerational burdens from legacies of oppression and adversity, and provide a deeply personal and sacred support system through their relationship with their ancestors.”
Free Teaching and Info Session from
Daniel & Three Other Practitioners
In this 90-minute teaching and conversation, Daniel and three experienced practitioners of Ancestral Lineage Healing (Amber McZeal, Anna Hoffman, & Annie Blackstone) discuss the upcoming training and share from their experience of working professionally with ancestors and culture.
Frequently Asked Questions
We understand that people have other commitments in their lives. This training is designed with some self-paced elements that trainees can complete on their own schedules, and all required teaching calls held over Zoom will be recorded. We also provide ample scheduling options for international participants.
That being said, there are many group and one-on-one training elements which require live participation. These include session exchanges with your peers, personal and group mentorship, live observations, and group supervisions. We except participants to attend live for most gatherings.
In the event of unavoidable scheduling conflicts, we expect trainees to communicate with us in a timely way to arrange for a solution. Before applying, please review the training schedule (see above) to consider whether you’ll be available during these dates.
The time to complete certification will vary from person to person. In general, we hope to see all trainees meet certification requirements within a year of the final Practice Intensive. It is possible for trainees to complete all training and certification requirements by the end of Practice Intensive Three (early August 2025); however, most trainees will still have outstanding requirements to fulfill by this time.
There is no upper limit on how long a trainee can take to complete certification; however, after one year has passed from the end of their final Practice Intensive, those not yet certified will be asked to participate in a Renewal of Trainee Status process, which involves meeting modest Continuing Education requirements. There is no additional cost associated with this Continuing Education; it’s only to keep one’s training engagement current.
We track all applications on a rolling basis and active applicants can expect to hear from Ancestral Medicine staff directly. Please note that our system automatically acknowledges receipt of your application.
See the “How to Apply” section above for an overview of the application process. You can also reach out to with questions.
Please apply even if cost is a strong determining factor. Accessibility is a core value at Ancestral Medicine, and we are committed to evaluating applicants based on their merits and doing our best to find mutually agreeable financial arrangements when other factors favor participation.
In addition to payment plans of up to 24 months, we plan for a certain number of partial scholarships, and also oversee a Professional Development Fund for Ancestral Healing Practitioners that we may draw upon to assist applicants.
Our practice of centering equity as much as possible means that we favor scholarship applicants who are BIPOC, LGBTQ+, and/or speak languages other than English. And we may elect to help any applicant with financial need. In each training cycle we also give priority to applicants who meet the regional criteria. The focus for Cohort Eight is Decolonization, Indigeneity, and Belonging which means that Indigenous peoples worldwide will receive maximum scholarship priority this cycle. And just help us to know what you need, and we’ll do our best.
There is no need to have any connection to the region of focus to apply. The intent is to support international access to training opportunities and ancestral healing services, as well as to deepen historical and cultural knowledge among the Ancestral Medicine Practitioner Network.
Although half of the spaces will be reserved for qualified applicants from the region of focus, the remaining spaces are open to applicants from any background or geography, and the fundamentals of the training will be the same each year.
Note that the regionally focused Continuing Education teachings are accessible to the entire network, including incoming trainees (meaning that all trainees get access to teachings from previous years). Please see the next FAQ for how we are holding the Decolonization, Indigeneity, & Belonging focus of Cohort Eight.
Regionally Focused Training Cycle: Decolonization, Indigeneity, and Belonging
The 2024-2025 Practitioner Training (Cohort Eight) is the last in a four-year cycle focusing each year on a specific geographic and cultural region. The intention has been to support international access to training opportunities and ancestral healing services; to deepen historical and cultural knowledge among the Ancestral Medicine Practitioner Network; and to enact a vision of global ancestral healing and cooperation. After three cycles; it’s working! Ancestral lineage healing sessions are now available in over 20 languages and as many nations.
With respect to these regional cycles, the training fundamentals are always consistent, no matter the regional focus of that cycle. What does change is the following:
- The timing of group meetings will be accessible for participants in the region.
- Half of the training spaces and most of the available financial aid will be reserved for applicants with ancestral, geographic, and cultural ties to the region of focus.
- Continuing Education teachings and guest speakers feature the region of focus.
The four-year regional cycle as originally envisioned is as follows:
- Cohort Five (2021-2022) – Europe, West Asia, and North Africa (complete)
- Cohort Six (2022-2023) – Africa and the Diaspora (complete)
- Cohort Seven (2023-2024) – Asia and Oceania (underway)
- Cohort Eight (2024-2025) – The Americas
When preparing for this fourth and final cycle in the series, what became clear to me (Daniel) is that the pattern needed to be adjusted. Rather than focus only on the Americas (and specifically the Indigenous peoples of the Americas), the 2024-25 regional focus will be “Decolonization, Indigeneity, and Belonging.” This recognizes the depth of the ongoing harm of European colonization (ongoing) of the Americas but also the shared concerns of Indigenous peoples worldwide and the larger dynamics of colonialism, empire, and cultural supremacies.
Many guest presenters for the Continuing Education series will be Indigenous peoples, including Indigenous representatives from Mapuche lands to Nunavut, Hawai’i to Borikén (a.k.a. “the Americas”). And the choice to expand the focus to decolonization more broadly recognizes the deep solidarity worldwide among those surviving and thriving, often on traditional lands, despite the ongoing pressures of colonialism.
With respect to meeting the requirements for available scholarship funds, Ancestral Medicine has no desire to gatekeep who is Indigenous or compare who is suffering more from the impacts of colonialism. We know that the vast majority of our scholarship resources will be reserved for Indigenous peoples and others directly living the oppression of colonialism and occupation of traditional lands (e.g., Tibetans, Palestinians). Our team will apply a pragmatic, common sense discernment process for applicants claiming regional criteria that includes: lived experience, degree of long-term investment in the well-being of Indigenous and allied communities, and personal ancestries and identities.
This regional focus does not mean all training participants will be from that region or of that background. For context, in the 2021-24 cohorts, around 35-50% of training participants met the regional criteria in any given year. There is no need to meet the regional criteria for Cohort Eight to apply for this training cycle. Trainees able to pay the standard training amount both benefit from the training both and also make possible the generous scholarship reductions for those who do meet the regional criteria.
This is a professional training for ritualists, healers, therapists, and other kinds of cultural repair folks who feel called to guide ancestral healing work for others. This means that the material may be challenging and activating in ways that call for resourcing outside the training with whatever forms of support nourish you.
The more psychologically whole and resourced you are before the training starts, the better – as the focus will begin and remain on acquiring and embody ritual facilitation skills for the benefit of others. In other words, it’s decisively a professional training in ritual arts, with an eye toward trainees feeling personally supported in a kind and caring ritual vessel.
Deep ritual work carried out in partnership with the ancestors will inevitably surface material for healing and personal growth; this is fantastic and to be expected. In this practice, we tend to take this to our ancestors directly and also to the space of ancestral healing sessions, which can be scheduled in abundance at no cost with kind and trusted colleagues in the training.
In every cohort, we are not only looking for individuals with promise as ritualists of skill and integrity, but also those who represent diverse places, peoples, and life-experiences – including backgrounds affected by conflict or systemic injustice. We navigate this in four intentional ways:
1) We invite a lot of space for cultural-level dialogue and holding a shared understanding that it’s not going to be perfect, but we can be kind. We encourage trainees to speak to whatever dynamic may need to be addressed, and that cultural healing is inseparable from ancestral healing. Within this, we agree to hold an ethic of humility, curiosity, kindness, and giving one another the benefit of the doubt when tougher moments need to be navigated.
2) We also practice bringing what’s happening to our ancestors. They are the container for the larger working, including for teachers and staff. We slow down, resource with them and listen in together when the waters are fraught or when cultural pain is present. In this way, we balance modern day political frameworks and analyses with the sometimes surprising wisdom of our ancestors.
3) We provide affinity-based discussion groups in our online connection space to support folks in being well-resourced and connected to peers of similar backgrounds. Trainees are also welcome to self-organize gatherings, and our team is caring and responsive to concerns that arise.
4) Finally, although Daniel is the senior teacher, the training model regularly includes the voices and perspectives of people of diverse ancestries, genders, nationalities, and life experiences. This includes guest teachers and experienced network practitioners.
The combination of these shared values – an ethic of kindness, direct ancestral dialogue, a mixture of different kinds of spaces, and diverse representation among the mentors and supporters – lead to good outcomes most of the time. And when it’s hard, we show up for the process and ask our ancestors to hold us through it all.
Visit this testimonials page to hear from practitioners who have participated in the training.
You may also reach out directly to those listed in the Practitioner Directory, especially if you feel someone there would be able to speak to your specific concerns. This directory does not include all of those in the Network as not all practitioners-in-training are featured there. So if you have a question you wish to direct to someone of a certain background (e.g., “Are there Indigenous practitioners I could speak with?”), you can message our team at and we may be able to make a connection for you if what you’re seeking is not available in the public-facing directory.