overpayment $98/mo x5

Cohort Eight Training Schedule

This is the detailed training schedule for Cohort Eight (2024-25) of the Ancestral Healing Practitioner Training. 

The nine-month program is structured around three Practice Intensives and the Interim Periods between them. Expand the sections below to learn more. Completion of the training includes attending all required teachings live (or listening after and posting a reflection), guiding in-cohort session exchanges live, active collaboration with mentors and supervisors, and providing documentation for 40 public client sessions. While the training program lasts nine months and closes with the end of the third intensive, trainees complete the training whenever they fulfill all training requirements.

We have done our best to check for time-zone accuracy, below. Due to international daylight savings adjustments and instructor availability, the schedule adjusts slightly throughout the training. Trainees are strongly encouraged to check their local time. If anything seems inaccurate, let us know right away. All live teachings last for 90 minutes and will be recorded and made available in the Cohort Eight training portal in the event that you need to miss a call (please do your best to join live). Session exchanges during the Practice Intensives last 2.5 hours and are not recorded—live attendance is required.

These two 60-minute meet-and-greets are truly optional and offer trainees an opportunity to meet their peers in small groups ahead of Oct orientations. No need to pre-confirm, they won’t be recorded, and you can attend one, both, or neither:

  • First Meet & Greet
    Tuesday, September 24 at 11:30am New York // 8:30am Vancouver // 17:30 Madrid
  • Second Meet & Greet
    Monday, September 30 at 3:00pm New York // 12:00pm Vancouver // 21:00 Madrid

These 90-minute gatherings are required and truly important. Try to join live. If absent, listen to the recording after and post a reflection in the Training Requirements space.

  • Orientation One: Overview of the Training
    Thursday, Oct 3, 2024 – 11am New York // 17:00 Madrid 
  • Orientation Two: Fundamentals of Ritual & Cultural Safety
    Monday, Oct 14 – 3pm New York // 21:00 Madrid 

Practice Intensives last four-to-six weeks, starting with the release of pre-recorded teachings that prepare trainees to exchange practice sessions with each other. Practice Intensive session exchanges last 2.5 hours each and are anchored by practitioners of Ancestral Lineage Healing. Each week then completes with a 90-minute live discussion/Q&A led by Daniel or Shannon on Thursdays. If you miss both Q&A calls, review one of the recordings and post a follow-up comment  in the appropriate Training Requirements thread. Trainees should expect to dedicate around six hours per week during Practice Intensives for study, practice, and discussion.

Before each Practice Intensive, trainees select one (out of three) time slots per week for their practice sessions. These sessions are not recorded, so live attendance is essential. In the case of emergency absences, make-ups are scheduled for the week immediately after each intensive and typically require helping to reimburse the practitioner’s session fee. (We are reasonable about this, and it’s our way of respecting practitioners and asking trainees to attend live.)

The interims between intensives are a time for deepening through a regular flow of teachings & demonstrations, refining skills through exchanges with peers, and addressing any necessary proficiencies in preparation for guiding ancestral healing sessions for the public. During interim periods, trainees should expect to dedicate at least three hours weekly to training and practice. Interim period activities include:

  • Regularly scheduled trainings and demonstrations that detail the individual steps of the Ancestral Lineage Healing method.
  • Monthly Continuing Education offerings led by guest teachers on topics of culture, history, healing, and ritual arts.
  • Regular engagement with mentors and mentorship pods.

After Practice Intensive Two, prepared trainees may begin to guide ancestral healing sessions with clients in tandem with individual and group supervision. Trainees must also document 40 public client sessions to be certified.

Practice Intensive One – Ancestral Lineage Healing

A six-week, in-depth exploration and practice of each step of the Ancestral Lineage Healing method and the fundamentals of guiding personal sessions. There are six weekly pre-recorded lessons, practice sessions, & live discussion/Q&A sessions from Oct 21 to Nov 29, 2024.

All lessons for this Intensive will be released on Wed, Oct 16, just before midnight Eastern (New York) time

Week 1

Session Exchanges – Attendance is required. Well in advance, you’ll select one of the three times (ideally the same each week) lasting two and a half hours with a short break. Make-ups are scheduled for the week after the intensive and require helping to reimburse the practitioner’s session fee.

  • Monday, Oct 21 – 7:30am Vancouver // 10:30am New York // 16:30 Madrid
  • Tuesday, Oct 22 – 10:30am Vancouver // 1:30pm New York // 19:30 Madrid
  • Wednesday, Oct 23 – 3:30pm Vancouver // 6:30pm New York // 9:30 Melbourne (Thurs, Oct 24)

Discussion/Q+A with Daniel or Shannon – Attendance to one is required. Duration is 90 minutes. If absent from both, review the recording for one and post a follow-up comment.

  • Thursday, Oct 24 – 12:00pm Vancouver // 3pm New York // 21:00 Madrid
  • Thursday, Oct 24 – 4:30pm Vancouver // 7:30pm New York // 10:30 Melbourne (Fri, Oct 25)

Week 2

Session Exchanges

  • Monday, Oct 28 – 7:30am Vancouver // 10:30am New York // 15:30 Madrid*
  • Tuesday, Oct 29 – 10:30am Vancouver // 1:30pm New York // 18:30 Madrid*
  • Wednesday, Oct 30 – 3:30pm Vancouver // 6:30pm New York // 9:30 Melbourne (Thurs, Oct 31)
    *please note time change this week


  • Thursday, Oct 31 – 1:00pm Vancouver* // 4pm New York* // 21:00 Madrid
  • Thursday, Oct 31 – 4:30pm Vancouver // 7:30pm New York // 10:30 Melbourne (Fri, Nov 1)
    *please note time change this week

Week 3

Session Exchanges

  • Monday, Nov 4 – 7:30am Vancouver // 10:30am New York // 16:30 Madrid
  • Tuesday, Nov 5 – 10:30am Vancouver // 1:30pm New York // 19:30 Madrid
  • Wednesday, Nov 6 – 3:30pm Vancouver // 6:30pm New York // 10:30 Melbourne* (Thurs, Nov 7)
    *please note time change this week


  • Thursday, Nov 7 – 12:00pm Vancouver* // 3pm New York* // 21:00 Madrid
  • Thursday, Nov 7 – 4:30pm Vancouver // 7:30pm New York // 11:30 Melbourne* (Fri, Nov 8)
    *please note time change this week

Week 4

Session Exchanges

  • Monday, Nov 11 – 7:30am Vancouver // 10:30am New York // 16:30 Madrid
  • Tuesday, Nov 12 – 10:30am Vancouver // 1:30pm New York // 19:30 Madrid
  • Wednesday, Nov 13 – 3:30pm Vancouver // 6:30pm New York // 10:30 Melbourne (Thurs, Nov 14)


  • Thursday, Nov 14 – 12:00pm Vancouver // 3pm New York // 21:00 Madrid
  • Thursday, Nov 14 – 4:30pm Vancouver // 7:30pm New York // 11:30 Melbourne (Fri, Nov 15)

Week 5

Session Exchanges

  • Monday, Nov 18 – 7:30am Vancouver // 10:30am New York // 16:30 Madrid
  • Tuesday, Nov 19 – 10:30am Vancouver // 1:30pm New York // 19:30 Madrid
  • Wednesday, Nov 20 – 3:30pm Vancouver // 6:30pm New York // 10:30 Melbourne (Thurs, Nov 21)


  • Thursday, Nov 21 – 12:00pm Vancouver // 3pm New York // 21:00 Madrid // 
  • Thursday, Nov 21 – 4:30pm Vancouver // 7:30pm New York // 11:30 Melbourne (Fri, Nov 22)

Week 6

Session Exchanges

  • Monday, Nov 25 – 7:30am Vancouver // 10:30am New York // 16:30 Madrid
  • Tuesday, Nov 26 – 10:30am Vancouver // 1:30pm New York // 19:30 Madrid
  • Wednesday, Nov 27 – 3:30pm Vancouver // 6:30pm New York // 10:30 Melbourne (Thurs, Nov 28)


  • Friday, Nov 29* – 12:00pm Vancouver // 3pm New York // 21:00 Madrid
  • Friday, Nov 29* – 4:30pm Vancouver // 7:30pm New York // 11:30 Melbourne (Sat, Nov 30)
    *Holiday adjustment to avoid U.S. National Day of Mourning/Thanksgiving observance

Session Make-ups for Practice Intensive One

  • Monday, Dec 2 – Sunday, Dec 8: Exact days and times will be determined during the Practice Intensive based on group needs

Interim One – Teachings to Expand into the Method

Interim Period One is Dec 10, 2024 to Apr 8, 2025. Live, full-group events include: five teachings on the Ancestral Lineage Healing method, five demo sessions by experienced practitioners, and monthly Continuing Education teachings. Trainees also do peer exchanges and meet with mentors and mentorship pods. 

Expanding into Step 1 of 5

  • Tuesday, Dec 10 – 12:00pm Vancouver // 3:00pm New York // 21:00 Madrid

CE Teaching 1 of 8

  • Thursday, Dec 12 – 12:00pm Vancouver // 3:00pm New York // 21:00 Madrid

Demo Session 1 of 5

  • Tuesday, Dec 17 – 12:00pm Vancouver // 3:00pm New York // 21:00 Madrid

Expanding into Step 2 of 5

  • Tuesday, Jan 7 – 12:00pm Vancouver // 3:00pm New York // 21:00 Madrid

CE Teaching 2 of 8

  • Thursday, Jan 16 – 12:00pm Vancouver // 3:00pm New York // 21:00 Madrid

Demo Session 2 of 5

  • Tuesday, Jan 21 – 12:00pm Vancouver // 3:00pm New York // 21:00 Madrid

Expanding into Step 3 of 5 

  • Tuesday, Feb 4 – 12:00pm Vancouver // 3:00pm New York // 21:00 Madrid

CE Teaching 3 of 8

  • Thursday, Feb 13 – 12:00pm Vancouver // 3:00pm New York // 21:00 Madrid

Demo Session 3 of 5

  • Tuesday, Feb 25 – 12:00pm Vancouver // 3:00pm New York // 21:00 Madrid

Expanding into Step 4 of 5

  • Tuesday, March 4 – 12:00pm Vancouver // 3:00pm New York // 21:00 Madrid

CE Teaching 4 of 8  (note the adjusted call time due to time changes)

  • Thursday, March 13 – 1:00pm Vancouver* // 4:00pm New York* // 21:00 Madrid
    *please note time change this week

Demo Session 4 of 5 (note the updated call time due to time changes)

  • Tuesday, March 18 – 1:00pm Vancouver* // 4:00pm New York* // 21:00 Madrid
    *please note time change this week

Expanding into Step 5 of 5

  • Tuesday, April 1 – 12:00pm Vancouver // 3:00pm New York // 21:00 Madrid

CE Teaching 5 of 8

  • Thursday, April 3 – 12:00pm Vancouver // 3:00pm New York // 21:00 Madrid

Demo Session 5 of 5

  • Tuesday, April 8 – 12:00pm Vancouver // 3:00pm New York // 21:00 Madrid

Practice Intensive Two – Cultural Layers and Client Challenges

Over four weeks (Apr 21 – May 15) we’ll focus on work with multiple lineages, cultural healing, scope of practice, and refinement of skills for work with unsafe energies or clients. Trainees who have met all requirements to-date may begin after this Intensive to offer public sessions as practitioners-in-training.

All lessons for this Intensive will be released on Wed, Apr 16, just before midnight (Eastern, NYC)

Week 1

Session Exchanges – Attendance is required. Well in advance, you’ll select one of the three times (ideally the same each week) lasting two and a half hours with a short break. Make-ups are scheduled in the week immediately after the intensive and require reimbursing part of the practitioner’s session fee.

  • Monday, April 21 – 7:30am Vancouver // 10:30am New York // 16:30 Madrid
  • Tuesday, April 22 – 10:30am Vancouver // 1:30pm New York // 19:30 Madrid
  • Wednesday, April 23 – 3:30pm Vancouver // 6:30pm New York // 8:30 Melbourne* (Thurs, April 24)
    *please note time change this week

Discussion/Q+A with Daniel or Shannon – Attendance is required.  Duration is 90 minutes. Review recording and post a comment for make-ups.

  • Thursday, April 24- 12:00pm Vancouver // 3pm New York // 21:00 Madrid
  • Thursday, April 24 – 4:30pm Vancouver // 7:30pm New York // 9:30 Melbourne* (Fri, April 25)
    *please note time change this week

Week 2

Session Exchanges

  • Monday, April 28 – 7:30am Vancouver // 10:30am New York // 16:30 Madrid
  • Tuesday, April 29 – 10:30am Vancouver // 1:30pm New York // 19:30 Madrid
  • Wednesday, April 30 – 3:30pm Vancouver // 6:30pm New York // 8:30 Melbourne (Thurs, May 1)


  • Thursday, May 1 – 12:00pm Vancouver // 3pm New York // 21:00 Madrid
  • Thursday, May 1 – 4:30pm Vancouver // 7:30pm New York // 9:30 Melbourne (Fri, April 25)

Week 3

Session Exchanges

  • Monday, May 5 – 7:30am Vancouver // 10:30am New York // 16:30 Madrid
  • Tuesday, May 6 – 10:30am Vancouver // 1:30pm New York // 19:30 Madrid
  • Wednesday, May 7 – 3:30pm Vancouver // 6:30pm New York // 8:30 Melbourne (Thurs, May 8)


  • Thursday, May 8 – 12:00pm Vancouver // 3pm New York // 21:00 Madrid
  • Thursday, May 8 – 4:30pm Vancouver // 7:30pm New York // 9:30 Melbourne (Fri, May 9)

Week 4

Session Exchanges

  • Monday, May 12 – 7:30am Vancouver // 10:30am New York // 16:30 Madrid
  • Tuesday, May 13 – 10:30am Vancouver // 1:30pm New York // 19:30 Madrid
  • Wednesday, May 14 – 3:30pm Vancouver // 6:30pm New York // 8:30 Melbourne (Thurs, May 15)


  • Thursday, May 15 – 12:00pm Vancouver // 3pm New York // 21:00 Madrid
  • Thursday, May 15 – 4:30pm Vancouver // 7:30pm New York // 9:30 Melbourne (Fri, May 16)

Session Make-ups for Practice Intensive Two

  • Monday, May 19 – Sunday, May 25: Exact days and times will be determined during the Practice Intensive based on group needs

Interim Two – Working with Public Clients, Supervision, and Continuing Education

From May 22 to July 3 some will begin guiding public sessions while doing individual mentorship, live observations, and group supervisions. Other may focus on completing previous requirements. Monthly Continuing Education will continue to center the theme of decolonization. 

CE Teaching 6 of 8

  • Thursday, May 22 – 12:00pm Vancouver // 3pm New York // 21:00 Madrid

CE Teaching 7 of 8

  • Thursday, June 12 – 12:00pm Vancouver // 3pm New York // 21:00 Madrid

CE Teaching 8 of 8

  • Thursday, July 3 – 12:00pm Vancouver // 3pm New York // 21:00 Madrid

Practice Intensive Three – Deepening with Ancestral Healing Practices

Our final intensive (Jul 7 – Jul 31) will center complexities of guiding public sessions; work with different kinds of ancestors; and ancestors, the Earth, and mysticism. For those who complete all requirements, certification may be an outcome of a final mentorship session following Practice Intensive Three.

All lessons for this Intensive will be released on Wed, Jul 2, just before midnight (Eastern, NYC time)

Week 1

Session Exchanges – Attendance is required. Well in advance, you’ll select one of the three times (ideally the same each week) lasting two and a half hours with a short break. Make-ups are scheduled for the week immediately after the intensive and require reimbursing part of the practitioner’s session fee.

  • Monday, July 7 – 7:30am Vancouver // 10:30am New York // 16:30 Madrid
  • Tuesday, July 8 – 10:30am Vancouver // 1:30pm New York // 19:30 Madrid
  • Wednesday, July 9 – 3:30pm Vancouver // 6:30pm New York // 8:30 Melbourne (Thurs, July 10)

Discussion/Q+A with Daniel or Shannon – Attendance is required. Duration is 90 minutes. Review recording and post a comment for make-ups.

  • Thursday, July 10 – 12:00pm Vancouver // 3pm New York // 21:00 Madrid
  • Thursday, July 10 – 4:30pm Vancouver // 7:30pm New York // 9:30 Melbourne (Fri, July 11)

Week 2

  • Monday, July 14 – 7:30am Vancouver // 10:30am New York // 16:30 Madrid
  • Tuesday, July 15 – 10:30am Vancouver // 1:30pm New York // 19:30 Madrid
  • Wednesday, July 16 – 3:30pm Vancouver // 6:30pm New York // 8:30 Melbourne (Thurs, July 17)


  • Thursday, July 17 – 12:00pm Vancouver // 3pm New York // 21:00 Madrid
  • Thursday, July 17 – 4:30pm Vancouver // 7:30pm New York // 9:30 Melbourne (Fri, July 18)

Week 3

Session Exchanges

  • Monday, July 21 – 7:30am Vancouver // 10:30am New York // 16:30 Madrid
  • Tuesday, July 22 – 10:30am Vancouver // 1:30pm New York // 19:30 Madrid
  • Wednesday, July 23 – 3:30pm Vancouver // 6:30pm New York // 8:30 Melbourne (Thurs, July 24)


  • Thursday, July 24 – 12:00pm Vancouver // 3pm New York // 21:00 Madrid
  • Thursday, July 24 – 4:30pm Vancouver // 7:30pm New York // 9:30 Melbourne (Fri, July 25)

Week 4

Session Exchanges

  • Monday, July 28 – 7:30am Vancouver // 10:30am New York // 16:30 Madrid
  • Tuesday, July 29 – 10:30am Vancouver // 1:30pm New York // 19:30 Madrid
  • Wednesday, July 30 – 3:30pm Vancouver // 6:30pm New York // 8:30 Melbourne (Thurs, July 31)


  • Thursday, July 31 – 12:00pm Vancouver // 3pm New York // 21:00 Madrid
  • Thursday, July 31 – 4:30pm Vancouver // 7:30pm New York // 9:30 Melbourne (Fri, May 1)

Session Make-ups for Practice Intensive Three

  • Monday, August 4 – Sunday, August 10: Exact days and times will be determined during the Practice Intensive based on group needs

AM Practitioner and Trainee calendar

NOTE: The calendar below shows all Network events, some are training-related and some are not.  Events are displayed in Eastern Time (US & Canada). Please use the Time Zone Converter if needed. Please use this link to track any time changes in your local area.

If you would like to integrate AM’s Google Calendar with your own, please use this link.
