Ancestral Lineage Healing Intensive

A five-day spiritual retreat and workshop in San Ramón, Costa Rica

with Dr. Daniel Foor and Ancestral Healing Practitioners

August 14 – 19, 2025

About the work

Ancestral lineage healing is the practice of relating directly with one’s blood ancestors for personal, family, and cultural healing. It involves safely establishing relationships with wise and well ancestors and enlisting their participation to deeply heal your lineages as they speak through your life today.

If you’ve participated in various kinds of personal healing work and you’re seeking greater breakthroughs, ancestral healing may be for you. This approach weaves helpful elements from psychology, cultural healing, and spiritual/ritual traditions. Patterns rooted in intergenerational cycles and cultural pain can finally find resolution. Coming into relationship with recent and more ancient ancestors can serve to re-establish obscured blessings, improve relationships with the living, and encourage clarity of purpose.

At Ancestral Medicine, we offer this work in a variety of forms—through our 12-lesson online course, Ancestral Lineage Healing, in one-on-one work with a trained practitioner, with the book, or by coming to an In-Person Intensive like this. These in-person live workshops were how we got our start in 2005 and Daniel has guided well over 150 of these multi-day gatherings in the past 18 years. After the organization moved largely online during the pandemic, we’re now back to offering several per year around the world. If you attend only one spiritual gathering in 2025, consider joining us in Costa Rica for profound personal, family, and cultural healing.

Register with our partners at Brave Earth.

Sobre el trabajo

La curación del linaje ancestral es la práctica de relacionarse directamente con los ancestros de sangre para la curación personal, familiar y cultural. Implica establecer relaciones de forma segura con ancestros sabios y sanos y conseguir su participación para sanar profundamente sus linajes mientras hablan a través de su vida hoy.

Si ha participado en varios tipos de trabajo de sanación personal y está buscando mayores avances, la sanación ancestral puede ser para usted. Este enfoque entrelaza elementos útiles de la psicología, la curación cultural y las tradiciones espirituales/rituales. Los patrones arraigados en ciclos intergeneracionales y dolores culturales finalmente pueden encontrar resolución. Entablar una relación con ancestros recientes y más antiguos puede servir para restablecer bendiciones oscurecidas, mejorar las relaciones con los vivos y fomentar la claridad de propósito.

About the location


Brave Earth is located between San Ramon and La Fortuna, nestled in between Arenal Volcano and the Children’s Eternal Rainforest, the largest reserve of protected wildlife in Costa Rica.

As a living lab, they have experimented with different building modalities using AirCrete and materials sourced on the land including bamboo and adobe. They’ve implemented biophilic design, closed-loop systems and permaculture design principles. Ornamental, food, and medicinal gardens surround the center as well as hiking trials to a nearby river, and a natural swimming pond.

Cultures of Transition

From the fine folks at Tierra Valiente: The impulse for Tierra Valiente stems from an awareness of our civilizational trajectory within the dominant culture with its source code of extraction, domination, commodification, colonization, control, entitlement, and separation from the living world.

We are both informed by this critical lens and inspired to create outside of the old values and incentive landscapes to build a culture based on reciprocity, regeneration and resiliency.

In this collective transition – whether you call it the Anthropocene, the Kali Yuga, late-stage capitalism or capitalist modernity – our intention is to become more attuned to this cultural context in order to decolonize the conditioning of the dominant system and be in deeper service to our collective potential.


Registration includes lodging, three meals daily and six days of ritual—four full days and two half days. Prices do not include travel to or from the venue or any extras like room or spa services.

The Venue: Tierra Valiente | Brave Earth, Center for Applied Cultural Transition, is a living laboratory rooted in principles of regeneration, resiliency and reciprocity. They provide immersive experiences in Nature that share alternative ways of living and being that are suitable for modernity and contextually relevant for the rapidly changing world we live in. 

Accommodations: Your rate includes the choice of single or double occupancy rooms for the duration of the event from August 14 – 19. Most bathrooms have compost toilets, but there are some rooms available with a/c and private flush toilets.

Ritual Space: We’ll gather for dedicated time in group ritual for six days. About seven hours per day over three full days (approximately 10:00 – 18:30 with pauses for meals and other breaks) with shorter gatherings on the first and last day of the intensive. Ritual space will be within the Maloca.

Meals: Your rate is fully inclusive of three meals per day served on site on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Thursday’s dinner is included in the price as well as Tuesday’s breakfast and a light lunch before departure. Vegetarians and other dietary restrictions will be generously accommodated. We’ll take spacious lunch breaks each day.

Price: The price ranges between $1720  up to $2700 USD. Fees will be paid in USD. Scholarships are available, especially for Costa Ricans who can demonstrate that you truly live in Costa Rica and for Indigenous peoples of the Americas. Apply for a scholarship.

We respect that this gathering is taking place in Costa Rica and Spanish-speaking lands, and we aim to gather in ways that are culturally humble, honoring of the land, and truly inclusive. The event leader and some supporters are Spanish speakers and there will be live, whisper translation in Spanish and small-groups options in Spanish.


La inscripción incluye alojamiento, comidas y refrigerios, y seis días completos de ritual. Los precios no incluyen el viaje hacia o desde el lugar ni ningún extra como servicios de habitación o spa.

El Lugar: Tierra Valiente | Brave Earth, Centro para aplicar la a Transición Cultural , es un laboratorio viviente arraigado en los principios de regeneración, resiliencia y reciprocidad. Brindamos experiencias de inmersión en la naturaleza que comparten formas alternativas de vivir y ser que son adecuadas para la modernidad y contextualmente relevantes para el mundo en el que vivimos que cambia rápidamente.

Alojamiento: Su tarifa incluye la elección de habitaciones de uso individual o de uso doble durante toda la duración del evento, del 14 al 19 de agosto.

Espacio ritual: nos reuniremos durante un tiempo dedicado en un ritual grupal durante seis días. Aproximadamente siete horas por día durante tres días completos (aproximadamente de 10:00am a 18:30pm con pausas para comer y otros descansos) con reuniones más breves el primer y último día del intensivo. El espacio ritual estará dentro de la Maloca.

Comidas: Su tarifa incluye tres comidas por día servidas en el sitio los viernes, sábados, domingos y lunes. La cena del jueves está incluida en el precio, así como el desayuno del martes y un almuerzo ligero antes de la salida. Se aceptarán generosamente vegetarianos y otras restricciones dietéticas. Tomaremos amplios descansos para almorzar todos los días.

Precio: El precio oscila entre $1720 hasta $2440 USD. Las tarifas se pagarán en USD. Hay becas disponibles, especialmente para costarricenses que puedan demostrar que realmente viven en Costa Rica. Solicita una beca.

Respetamos que esta reunión se lleve a cabo en Costa Rica y tierras de habla hispana, y nuestro objetivo es reunirnos de manera culturalmente humilde, honrando la tierra y verdaderamente inclusiva.

Join our


Receive updates from the team on offerings, tenderly written reflections and letters from Daniel, exclusive offers and invitations. We keep it respectful and we will never sell your information.

What to expect during session

In this five-day intensive, you can expect a dynamic learning environment that’s a mix of teaching, ritual, and conversation. 

A Five-step

Learn a life-long framework to relate in direct, safe, and empowering ways with your family and lineage ancestors.

Experiential Practices

Engage in experiential practices to make connections with ancestral guides and teachers and learn to partner with those guides for personal and family healing.

Different Ways
to Learn

Enjoy a nurturing blend of teaching, direct practice with your ancestors, and inclusive space for group dialogue and exchange.


Explore ways to join with your ancestors to support the resolution of larger systemic, generational, and cultural wounding within the supportive vessel of group ritual.


Make tangible offerings of healing and beauty for your ancestors and for the larger prayer of cultural and Earth healing.

Our shared time is guided in ways that are psychologically grounded, ritually safe, and culturally inclusive. All teachings and practices are led by Daniel and a team of trained ritual supporters. Those new to ancestor work, adoptees, and folks with a tough experience of family and culture are warmly welcome.

Qué esperar durante la sesión

En este intensivo de seis días, puede esperar un entorno de aprendizaje dinámico que es una combinación de enseñanza, ritual y conversación.

Nuestro tiempo compartido está guiado de maneras psicológicamente fundamentadas, ritualmente seguras y culturalmente inclusivas. Todas las enseñanzas y prácticas están dirigidas por Daniel y un equipo de seguidores de rituales capacitados. Aquellos nuevos en el trabajo con los antepasados, los adoptados y las personas con una dura experiencia familiar y cultural son bienvenidos.

star with star copper

Our partners at Brave Earth are
managing registration for this event.

 To confirm your place, and to find the answers to any questions that aren’t answered here, please head over to their website. We hope to see you in San Ramón!

Daniel Foor

Founder and Director of Ancestral Medicine

Daniel is a doctor of psychology, experienced ritualist, and the author of Ancestral Medicine: Rituals for Personal and Family Healing. He is an initiate in the Òrìṣà tradition of Yoruba-speaking West Africa and has learned from teachers of Mahayana Buddhism, Islamic Sufism, and the older ways of his English and German ancestors. Daniel is passionate about training aspiring leaders and change makers in the intersections of cultural healing, animist ethics, and applied ritual arts. He lives with his wife and two daughters near Granada, Spain in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains.

Dr. Daniel Foor smiling in front of a warm background