For better or worse, we’re all shaped in big ways by our ancestors. Catalyze breakthroughs and lasting connections with your ancestors for personal, family, and culture healing in this 12-week immersion (and our most popular course). More
Join Tamala Floyd and Daniel Foor to explore how parts work and animism intersect for personal and cultural change. Are all those parts just human-centric echoes of Self? Or might they also include our other-than-human kin? More
This 8-part course, with guest Tamala Floyd, explores the relationship of parts work, animist ritual, and work for cultural change. Lessons include ways to interrupt individualism and supremacy for deeper personal and cultural healing. More
We were meant to be guided through life’s transitions with ritual, wisdom, and community. Most of us never received that. This course offers teachings, guided practice, and connection to help you reclaim lost initiatory moments. More
Ritual is both art and discipline; instinctual and learnable. Approaches to ritual are as diverse as life itself and the only “wrong” approach is that which is untethered from love, wisdom and relationship with life. This course is for anyone seeking to strengthen their foundational skills in ritual arts. Our approach is kind, inclusive and non-dogmatic. More
This course brings together two distinct bodies of knowledge and practice: psychology and ritual arts. We consider what’s best about both systems in a way that charts a vision for the potential marriage of these disciplines, especially for the field of psychology. More
This four-part series explores accessible teachings and practices for healing trauma. It’s designed for those seeking personal healing, professionals in the healing arts, and anyone interested in the intersection of ritual and trauma recovery. More
Join Daniel and a team of experienced practitioners in San Ramón, Costa Rica for a five-day, residential Ancestral Lineage Healing Intensive. Participants can expect a deep dive in ancestral healing in supportive community. Registration is open
Ancestral healing is a form of repair for humanity and for our larger Earth community. This date is the deadline to apply to join Cohort Eight (2024-25) of our international, highly respected Ancestral Healing Practitioner Training. More
Through over 40 hours of recorded lessons and live calls, learn an in-depth framework to navigate intimate, life-long relationships with our animal, plant, elemental, ancestral, and many other extended Earth kin. More
Explore light and shadow in three transformative courses. Gain insight into addiction, power, belonging, and the crafty nature of evil. Equip yourself with ritual skills and build resilience to skillfully face life’s hazards. More