What is Ancestral Lineage Healing?

A Free Introductory Teaching

with Dr. Daniel Foor

September 9, 2024 | 90 min at

12pm Vancouver | 3pm New York | 21:00 Berlin

Our Invitation

Each of us are the face of many generations of hardship and joy, beauty and sorrow. We each carry ancestral blessings and burdens that were forged in our most formative moments as a species. Whether or not we consciously reckon with these legacies has profound implications for how we navigate our brief and precious lives here on Earth.

What is Ancestral Lineage Healing?

Developed by Dr. Daniel Foor, it’s the process of safely and directly coming into conscious relationship with our lineage ancestors for personal, family, and cultural healing. The approach sources from decades of immersion in diverse traditions of ritual arts, training as a psychotherapist, and a sustained commitment to historical honesty and cultural healing.

Bridging psychological, spiritual, and cultural healing.

Ancestral engagement is an approach that draws on all three understandings. The ancestors can also help us to bridge out of the extreme individualism so prevalent in Eurocentric approaches to wellness. We can’t heal personally what also belongs to larger cultural troubles. Mindful work with the ancestors can help to resolve areas of chronic stuckness, bring greater clarity about our personal destiny, and fortify us for sustained service in the world.

This 90-minute teaching is free and open to all.

We’ll cover the basics of Ancestral Lineage Healing, why you’d endeavor to embark on such a path, and what you might encounter along the way. Information will be presented in a way that’s clear, pragmatic, and approachable. We’ll invite you to send in questions ahead of time, and you can expect to be guided in an experiential practice to safely acknowledge your wise and kind ancestors.

The call will be recorded and all who register will receive access to a free recording in the days following the event. This body of teachings and practices affirms the reality of the ancestors and engages them with humility, clear intent, and respect for impacts of systemic oppression, colonialism, and other unresolved cultural troubles.

We’ll explore topics like:

Our time will include:

About Daniel

Daniel is a doctor of psychology and experienced ritualist dedicated to matters of personal, cultural, and Earth healing. He’s the founder of Ancestral Medicine, an international teaching organization focused on animist ethics and ritual arts. He’s guided more than 150 multi-day ancestral healing intensives in over ten countries and helped thousands of others in their ancestral healing. He’s trained over 200 practitioners to guide ancestral healing services, and his book, Ancestral Medicine: Rituals for Personal and Family Healing has been translated into ten languages.

He’s is an initiate in the Ã’rìṣà tradition of Yoruba-speaking West Africa and a practicing Muslim who has also learned from Mahayana Buddhism and the older ways of his English and German ancestors. He’s passionate about generational healing and training leaders and change-makers in the intersections of cultural healing, animist ethics, and applied ritual. And he’s an approachable, caring person trying to contribute usefully in a time of global crisis. He lives with his wife and two young girls near Granada, Spain in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Learn More

Dr. Daniel Foor smiling in front of a warm background

Coming into conscious relationship with our ancestors can transform difficult legacies and bring tremendous support for living our potential here on Earth.
