Foundations of Ancestral Healing
A four-part series on how to
approach ancestral healing and reconnection
About Foundations of Ancestral Healing
If you’re new to the process of ancestral reconnection, this series is for you. These lessons seek to address common questions that arise as you begin to delve into this work. Questions like: How does it work? Is this even possible? Is it something I can really do?
This four-part series was recorded as an introduction to Ancestral Lineage Healing, the immersive 12-part course for which we’re best known, but it can work for anyone new to the work. Whether you’re working with a practitioner, reading the book, or planning to attend an in-person intensive, this series will be helpful for anyone experiencing doubt or wondering if this might be too “woo.”
The first 90-minute teaching is free. Access it below.
Do you question whether the spirits are really real? Are you able to connect with certain energies, but find yourself unable to extend your belief to the reality of the ancestors? Or, after experiencing something powerful in the work, do you wonder whether you might just be making it all up?
This free first lesson of Foundations of Ancestral Healing explores ways to work with self-doubt, mental activity, and unhelpful conditioning on the path to reclaim intuition, direct knowing, and the ability to relate confidently with ancestors.
In the rest of the series, we explore five key points for understanding the relationship between the living and the dead:
- Something continues after the death of the body. We’ll talk about what that “something” means.
- Not all of the dead are equally at peace. We’ll consider what it means to be a healed, vibrant ancestor and why that matters.
- The dead can change; they’re not frozen in state.
- We can communicate with the dead – and this is really normal, despite what our modern social structure dictates.
- The level of influence between the living and the dead is substantially influential to our lives.
There’s no belief system or required to become curious. We hope it’s helpful.

Lesson One: Am I Making This Up?
Free with signup.
Explore ways to work with self-doubt, mental activity, and unhelpful conditioning in the journey of reclaiming intuition, direct knowing, and our ability to relate confidently with ancestors.
Get lesson one for free
Get the rest of the four-part series
What's Included?
- Four recorded sessions, 90 minutes each (including lesson one).
- Guided experiential practices accompanying each lesson.
- Responsive and helpful support from Ancestral Medicine staff.
- Access to a community forum with invitations to free events.
Lesson Two: How Does Ancestral Healing Work?
Learn more about how ancestral reconnection supports personal and family healing, life changes, and transformation.
- Unpackage important connections between trauma, porosity, and basic needs
- Examine ways that personal and collective pain can lead to possession states
- Consider sacred stories of hazardous possession and remedies they suggest
- Reflect on ways you’ve encountered harmful possession states in others
Lesson Three: Ancestors and Cultural Healing
Most cultural troubles are generational, systemic, and predate our birth. Learn how to partner with ancestors for potent, inspired, and sustainable cultural change work.
- Explore what is essential and what can be fatal about identity and belonging
- Consider intoxication and ego inflation in light of possession and identity
- Reflect on historical and real-time dynamics of collective possession states
- Join in collective prayer for depossession from a place of neutral center
Lesson Four: Why Focus on Blood Ancestors?
The concept of bloodlines (think: “purity”) has been co-opted by supremacist ideologies. Additionally, family ancestors can be a hazardous mess. This teaching explores the pros and cons of focused healing work with blood ancestors.
- Learn how mystical, unitive states are similar and different from possession
- Consider ways to soften fear and ego in the presence of larger forces
- Reflect on ways to harness your hunger and longing for collective good
- Practice embracing the porous, flexible, responsive nature as human beings
About Daniel & the Network
Daniel Foor
Daniel is a doctor of psychology, experienced ritualist, and the author of Ancestral Medicine: Rituals for Personal and Family Healing. He is an initiate in the Òrìṣà tradition of Yoruba-speaking West Africa and has learned from teachers of Mahayana Buddhism, Islamic Sufism, and the older ways of his English and German ancestors. Daniel is passionate about training aspiring leaders and change makers in the intersections of cultural healing, animist ethics, and applied ritual arts. He lives with his wife and two daughters near Granada, Spain in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Learn More
Ancestral Medicine Practitioner Network
The Ancestral Medicine Practitioner Network includes 200+ practitioners and practitioners-in-training around the world. They are certified in the Ancestral Lineage Healing method developed by Dr. Foor over the last two decades. Practitioners are available for individual ancestral healing sessions. Many offer low-income rates. The work is offered in over two dozen languages. For more information, visit the Practitioner Directory.