Earth as Lover, Healer, and Kin

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An Exploration of Devotion and Belonging

with Joshua Michael Schrei and Daniel Foor

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Our Invitation

We are a manifestation of the living Earth; in our laughter and sorrow, pain and pleasure, dying and being born. No effort or lack of effort can change this fundamental reality.

And yet, for most people, consciously feeling and embodying our communion with the Earth is another matter. One that calls for years of practice and play, discipline and relational tending. This is the sacred work of cultural healing and recovery.

In this free collaborative teaching and guided ritual we’ll explore ways that animist, Earth-honoring practices can help us to inhabit a more full range of human experience.

We’ll also consider the diverse faces or manifestations of the elder deity that is this planet and wonder together what supports the journey of returning to conscious relationship.

Joshua Michael Schrei and Daniel Foor will co-weave the shared time. Josh is a lifelong student and practitioner of Earth-honoring wisdoms from the Indian subcontinent and founder of the Emerald Podcast. Daniel is a ritualist, animist, author of Ancestral Medicine: Rituals for Personal and Family Healing, and founder at Ancestral Medicine.


September 23, 2023

90 min. / 12:30pm Vancouver | 3:30pm New York | 21:30 Berlin

Meeting ID: 828 8988 9757
Password: 821806

We’ll explore topics like:

Our time will include:

All teachings will be rooted in a decolonialist anti-racist ethic that includes respect for tough histories and for diverse Earth-honoring ways of knowing.

This session will also touch on themes we’ll explore much more deeply in our upcoming course, Being the Earth: Practical Animism and Skills for Relationship which begins on September 28. This course and live call series focuses on practices for reconnection, sustained relationship with the elements and land spirits, and an exploration of mystical teachings to know these bodies and psyches as the Earth. Registration is open now!

We also encourage you to visit the offerings of guest presenter Josh Schrei; see bio and website below.

Every nuance of these bodies and psyches is “nature,” an expression of Earth, and a reminder that we have never been separate.

Our Panel

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Joshua Michael Schrei

Josh is a writer, teacher, and student of the cosmologies and mythologies of the world — in particular the Indian subcontinent. Throughout a lifetime of meditation and yogic practice, wilderness immersion, art, music, and public speaking, Josh has sought to advocate for a world that prioritizes imaginative vision. He has taught courses in cosmology, mythology, and somatic disciplines for 16 years and lectured on art, aesthetics, and mythology around the world. He is the founder of The Emerald Podcast and is currently engaged in a project focused on the goddess traditions of the Indian subcontinent and their relevance to understanding embodied landscapes. Learn More

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Daniel Foor

Daniel is a doctor of psychology, experienced ritualist, and the author of Ancestral Medicine: Rituals for Personal and Family Healing. He is an initiate in the Òrìṣà tradition of Yoruba-speaking West Africa and has learned from teachers of Mahayana Buddhism, Islamic Sufism, and the older ways of his English and German ancestors. Daniel is passionate about training aspiring leaders and change makers in the intersections of cultural healing, animist ethics, and applied ritual arts. He lives with his wife and two daughters near Granada, Spain in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Learn More
