Ancestral Healing in Action

How Does Ancestor Work Impact the Living?
with Dr. Daniel Foor & Guest Practitioners

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A panel of senior practitioners in the Ancestral Medicine Network share from their personal journeys and explore some ways that ancestral connection and engagement can support the living and contribute to cultural healing.
With facilitator Daniel Foor and guests Shannon Willis, Gita Thandika, and Adrián Villaseñor Galarza.
Ancestral Healing Practitioner Training
A focused immersion in ancestral healing arts.
About the Panelists
Daniel Foor, Ph.D.
Dr. Foor is a licensed psychotherapist, doctor of psychology, and the author of Ancestral Medicine: Rituals for Personal and Family Healing. He is an initiate in the Òrìṣà tradition of Yoruba-speaking West Africa and has studied with teachers of Mahayana Buddhism, Islamic Sufism, and the older ways of his English and German ancestors. Daniel is passionate about training aspiring leaders and change makers in the intersections of cultural healing, animist ethics, and applied ritual arts. He lives with his wife and two young daughters in Western North Carolina, homeland of Cherokee peoples. For more on his background, see the full bio here.
Gita Thandika
Adrián Villaseñor-Galarza, PhD
Adrián Villaseñor-Galarza, PhD (Guadalajara, México & Santa Fe, NM, USA) is passionate about human transformation in service to the Earth. He devoted his PhD research to the confluence of Eastern liberation teachings and the human-nature connection, resulting in an elemental framework for self-discovery, healing, and sustainable action. His ancestors are from Southern Europe (Spanish & Portuguese) and pre-hispanic México (Nahua, Huichol, and Purépecha). Adrián’s service is rooted in his personal experiences with wisdom lineages that he’s honored since his early teens. Gracias a su legado bi/poli-cultural, realiza su trabajo y servicio en Español e Inglés. For more info see:
Shannon Willis, M.Ed
Shannon Willis, M.Ed (Athens, GA, USA) holds an MA in Professional Leadership and Counseling from Louisiana State University in Monroe and has worked for over twenty years with depression, anxiety, PTSD, chronic pain and illness, grief, dreams, and social justice issues related to intimate partner violence and the oppression of marginalized populations. She holds space in Athens, GA as a ritualist, healer, and catalyst for Earth-honoring community, drawing inspiration from teachers in West African traditions, Nepali shamanism, diverse indigenous paths, and northern European cultures. Her people hail from the British Isles, France, and Cherokee and Kaskaskia/Illiniwek nations. For more info see: