Equinox Ritual & Celebration

with Lisa Shobhana Mason, Ana Antadze, Jason Engledoe

MARCH 21, 2025

9AM LA | 12PM NYC | 17:00 Madrid


Our Invitation

Join us for a free 90-minute Earth-honoring teaching and ritual to honor natural cycles and the Equinox. As the seasons shift, we gather to reflect, reconnect, and recalibrate with the rhythms of this singularly holy Earth. Through offerings and guided practice, prayer and song, we’ll inhabit the space between light and dark, fire and ice. Join us in celebration of the Earth, the sacred, and the universal certainty of change. There is no cost to attend. The ritual will be guided by Ancestral Healing practitioners. Learn more below.

Call Information

Meeting ID: 851 1631 1513
Password: 620207

What To Bring
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A journal

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Drum or rattle

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A candle

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A food offering

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You’re welcome to join even if you don’t have some or any of the items listed. Bringing yourself is most pertinent.
Your simple food offering may include, for example, nuts, seeds, fruit, berries, grains.

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About the Equinox

The Equinox marks the moment when day and night meet as equals in their perpetual dance. This happens twice a year. In the North, the Spring Equinox arrives in late March and signals a time of emergence, activity, and growing light. In the Southern Hemisphere, cycles are reversed and late March brings the Autumnal Equinox, a time of longer nights and cool.

The Equinox is a moment to honor balance, interdependence, and natural cycles—with the Earth, in our specific human lives, and everything in between. They invite a pause to connect with oneself, one’s practice, and to honor the interconnected rhythms of our world.

At Ancestral Medicine, we seek to honor animist traditions and practice Earth-based rituals as did all of our ancestors at one time in the long history of humans. In a world that faces increasing stresses and upheavals, observing the Equinox in community can be grounding and nourishing. Making space for reflection supports awareness of the enduring cycles of nature, and affirms our bond with the unknowable.

About the Ritual Co-Leaders

Lisa Shobhana Mason

Mid Atlantic Region, USA

Shobhana is a diviner, astrologer, ritualist, and psychopomp who helps clients identify archetypal themes, and holds space for them to reframe their histories and change the narrative. She loves helping clients to re-member their relationship with their ancestors and cultivate a practice of reverence that heals and sustains the living and dead. She loves chanting and has a 30+ year spiritual practice based in Kashmir Shaivism. She is an author and textile artist who views craft as a spiritual practice. She hails from enslaved peoples from Africa and European colonizing settlers and immigrants.

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Ana Antadze

Tbilisi, Georgia

Ana Antadze, M.A. is a Georgian artist, cultural healer and ancestral lineage healing practitioner. Her heart guided her to the ancestors and ever since she knows, that we don’t have to be alone with our efforts to create more love and justice in the world. Our people can support us. Ana is happy to assist you on your journey of connecting deeply with the love and wisdom of your ancestors.

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Jason Engledoe

Cape Town, South Africa

Jason Engledoe is an Ecosocial designer, facilitator and companion on your journey of purposeful and meaningful change toward your vision & mission. He companions leaders, coaches, facilitators, individuals & groups. Jason has called three countries, besides South Africa, home: Germany, England, and Taiwan. Living on and in connection with the land in six continents has profoundly impacted his worldview. His ancestors hail from the four cardinal directions: Western Europe; South & South East Asia; Africa, San and Khoe; Andean & Oceania. His vision is EcoSocial Regeneration. His mission is healing to all and harm to none.
