Roots & Resistance

A teaching on Earth-subversive kindness
with Daniel Foor

JUNE 18, 2025

12pm LA | 3pm NYC | 21h Madrid


This event will be held live on zoom and recorded.
Sign up even if you can’t make it. We’ll send you a recording a few days after the event.

About this event

In much of the world, political and economic realities worsen, while we also continue to catalyze massive ecological upheaval and extinction. There’s simply no clear-headed reason to conclude that we’re on a great trajectory as a species. And yet, children continue to return with open hearts and minds for this glorious, messy, unfolding of life. Cute fuzzy baby animals reflect back all that is tender, vulnerable, and holy.

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In this storm of contradiction, if we try to find our bearings only by orienting to other living humans, we miss out on ancestral support and guidance. And if we only extend our reach to our ancestors and fail to understand them (and us) as an extension of the Earth, we never situate our identity within larger webs of kinship. We’re also the Earth, always have been, and personally embodying this truth is more relevant than ever.

More about the event

In this 90min teaching and guided practice, we’ll explore two pressing concerns. First, what is the Earth asking of us through these times of upheaval and rapid change? When we listen beneath whatever stories and assumptions we may hold, what’s the signal? Simply to slow down to ask this question is itself a different kind of stance and invitation.

We’ll also ask: In what ways can valuing our relationships with the Earth and the unseen lead to more effective, radical, and lasting work for political change? How can the outcomes we’re working for be guided by the land and elder powers? Earth reconnection is inherently political and invites deeper personal and communal responsibility.

Our time will be a blend of teaching, guided practice, and Q&A. Those unable to attend live will receive a recording afterward.

How do we understand Animism?

Animism is a way of being and relating that recognizes the deep interconnection between humans, the natural world, ancestral forces, and unseen energies. Rather than placing humans at the center, animism emphasizes reciprocity and respect for the inherent intelligence, agency, and vitality of all beings—both seen and unseen. It is an ethic of relationship, honoring the living web of existence in which all beings participate.

Want to know more about Earth-honoring ritual?

Consider our 12-session course, Animism and Earth Reconnection, which will begin in the fall. We also have an eight-part on-demand series called Animist Psychology, which arises at the intersection of ritual arts, psychology, cultural healing, and love of the Earth. The Opening Earth, another on-demand series, proceeds from the view that humans are also the Earth, that “nature” or “the environment” are fictions, and that we are embedded in a much wider community of kinship.

We’re also so pleased to introduce a new vocational training program in Earth Healing, and we’ll say a few words about that toward the end.

About the Host

Daniel Foor

Daniel is a doctor of psychology, experienced ritualist, and the author of Ancestral Medicine: Rituals for Personal and Family Healing. He is an initiate in the Òrìṣà tradition of Yoruba-speaking West Africa and has learned from teachers of Mahayana Buddhism, Islamic Sufism, and the older ways of his English and German ancestors. Daniel is passionate about training aspiring leaders and change makers in the intersections of cultural healing, animist ethics, and applied ritual arts. He lives with his wife and two daughters near Granada, Spain in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains.

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