Kindling the Need-Fire

Ritual Support for Pandemic Times

with Dr. Daniel Foor

Archive of calls and practices now available.

This live series completed on September 16, 2020


The need-fire is an ancient tradition of kindling a single communal flame to ritually ward off disease in times of great necessity. As we enter our second season of global pandemic, nearly everyone on Earth is navigating the impacts of social and economic upheaval, cultural uncertainty, and increased illness and death. The duration and intensity of this period of turbulence is impossible to know from this vantage.

Alongside the imperative to keep a safe distance from most living human folk, this is a time for those called to practices that honor earth and ancestors to dive deeper. More than ever it’s time to lean in, to listen carefully, to draw near with the ancestors, to honor the spirits of disease walking the Earth, to thank the beings who are food for us, and to really get to know the old powers who steward culture change.

Now is a time to cooperate, to expand our social networks with the spirits, and to harmonize compassionate and kind intent with other living ritualists and human kin. This includes making sure our own family dead are truly ancestors and, when they are, to partner with them to uplift the collective. This includes assisting those claimed by disease in their returning. This includes honing our clarity and embodiment of our specific evolving purpose and gifts.

In this spirit, we gathered weekly over the Northern summer for a blend of responsive teaching and ritual, with two experiential guided practices each gathering. Now we offer the experience as an archive of recordings to move through at your own pace.

What’s included:

Since this course is now complete, a few things to note for archive access registration:

Part One of this series, Bring Out Your Dead, is also available as an archive. It is recommended to start there, but is not a requirement

Suggested Prerequisites

This course draws on the Ancestral Medicine framework for ancestral healing. Experience with that approach is helpful but not mandatory.

You are welcome to register for this course if any of the following are true:


Our 30-day money-back guarantee: For anyone not satisfied with the course after having engaged at least one recording, we will grant a full refund within 30 days of the beginning of the course.

$ 250
USD, once
$ 125
USD, once
$ 50
USD, once

About the Instructor

Dr Daniel Foor

Daniel Foor, PhD

He is a licensed psychotherapist, doctor of psychology, and the author of Ancestral Medicine: Rituals for Personal and Family Healing. Since 2005 he has led ancestral healing intensives in eight countries, trained over sixty practitioners, and supported thousands with ancestral reconnection through online teaching and sessions. Daniel is an initiate in the Òrìṣà tradition of Yoruba-speaking West Africa and has learned from teachers of Mahayana Buddhism, Islamic Sufism, and the older ways of his English and German ancestors. He lives with his wife and daughters in Western North Carolina, homeland of Cherokee peoples.
