Beyond Blood Ancestors

Land, Kinship, and Awakening

with Dr. Daniel Foor

Ancestors include not only our own biological kin, but also chosen family, dear friends and teachers who have passed, spiritual mentors of diverse sacred traditions, cultural luminaries who reflect back our human potential, and the dead who dwell in the land. These relationships can strongly impact our purpose and path, and connecting with these other kinds of ancestors is a skill that’s learnable, nourishing, and relevant to everyday life.

The course is designed to work well as a companion offering for anyone who has engaged with their blood lineage ancestors through our Ancestral Lineage Healing course, the Ancestral Medicine book, or personal sessions work with our network of skilled practitioners. But if the work calls to you, this course stands well on its own.

Participants will learn practices and etiquette for relating safely and beneficially with a wide range of different kinds of ancestors. Topics include clarifying personal destiny, honoring ancestors of place, deepening with ancestors of cultural and spiritual lineages, and exploring the mysticism at the heart of ancestral relationships.

The focus will be on ways that ancestral relationships can enhance our daily life from vocation, parenting, and creative endeavors to our chosen spiritual practice and orientation to the Sacred. No prior experience required, and teachings will be shared in a kind, inclusive, international spirit.

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The ancestors hold our collective wisdom and unresolved challenges. To be in relationship with them is to fully embrace belonging, incarnation and a life of purpose.

What’s Included


1 Lesson One
2 Lesson Two
3 Lesson Three
4 Lesson Four
5 Lesson Five
6 Lesson Six
Lesson One

Lesson One: Individuals, Lineages, and the Collective Dead

  • Review different types of ancestors and the role of the Ancestral Lineage Healing process
  • Reflect on the relationship between diverse types of ancestors and personal destiny
  • Learn practical differences between personal, lineage, and collective ancestral contact
  • Engage in guided practices to explore different modes or levels of ancestral contact
Lesson One: Individuals, Lineages, and the Collective Dead
Lesson Two

Lesson Two: Chosen Family, Friends and Other Beloved Dead

  • Discuss the dynamics of relating with deceased friends and other personal connections
  • Explore the topic of ritual safety and healthy boundaries with loved ones among the dead
  • Learn to recognize bonds that form during life when we’re in alignment with our destiny
  • Practice both celebrating connections and releasing ties that no longer serve
Lesson Two: Chosen Family, Friends and Other Beloved Dead
Lesson Three

Lesson Three: Ancestors of Spiritual Lineage and Tradition

  • Consider spiritual teachings and lineages through the specific lens of ancestry
  • Learn to engage in safe and regulated ways with ancestors of chosen lineage
  • Reflect on tensions and alignments between ancestors of blood and spiritual lineage
  • Practice greeting ancestors of lineage and gently inviting harmonization with blood kin
Lesson Three: Ancestors of Spiritual Lineage and Tradition
Lesson Four

Lesson Four: Belonging and Ancestors of Land

  • Learn about the influence that earlier ancestors have on present-day place
  • Reflect on the dynamics between your ancestors and those in the Earth near you
  • Explore ways to harmonize dynamics with ancestors of blood, lineage, and land
  • Engage in ritual to convey respect from you and your people to local ancestors
Lesson Four: Belonging and Ancestors of Land
Lesson Five

Lesson Five: Ancestors and our Other-than-Human Kin

  • Consider the relationship of ancestor-focused ritual to Earth-honoring ethics and practice
  • Partner with the ancestors to creatively interrupt the false human versus nature split
  • Explore how identity and culture expand our understanding of being human
  • Practice gently calling on your other-than-human ancestral affinities and teachers
Lesson Five: Ancestors and our Other-than-Human Kin
Lesson Six

Lesson Six: Mysticism, Awakening and the Dead

  • Discuss ancestor reverence in the context of non-duality and spiritual presence
  • Learn a practice for establishing an ancestral council to support personal awakening
  • Practice dissolving unhelpful divisions between different categories of ancestors
  • Appeal in ritual to the ancestors of awakening to support your path of realization
Lesson Six: Mysticism, Awakening and the Dead

Lesson One: Individuals, Lineages, and the Collective Dead

  • Review different types of ancestors and the role of the Ancestral Lineage Healing process
  • Reflect on the relationship between diverse types of ancestors and personal destiny
  • Learn practical differences between personal, lineage, and collective ancestral contact
  • Engage in guided practices to explore different modes or levels of ancestral contact

Lesson Two: Chosen Family, Friends and Other Beloved Dead

  • Discuss the dynamics of relating with deceased friends and other personal connections
  • Explore the topic of ritual safety and healthy boundaries with loved ones among the dead
  • Learn to recognize bonds that form during life when we’re in alignment with our destiny
  • Practice both celebrating connections and releasing ties that no longer serve

Lesson Three: Ancestors of Spiritual Lineage and Tradition

  • Consider spiritual teachings and lineages through the specific lens of ancestry
  • Learn to engage in safe and regulated ways with ancestors of chosen lineage
  • Reflect on tensions and alignments between ancestors of blood and spiritual lineage
  • Practice greeting ancestors of lineage and gently inviting harmonization with blood kin

Lesson Four: Belonging and Ancestors of Land

  • Learn about the influence that earlier ancestors have on present-day place
  • Reflect on the dynamics between your ancestors and those in the Earth near you
  • Explore ways to harmonize dynamics with ancestors of blood, lineage, and land
  • Engage in ritual to convey respect from you and your people to local ancestors

Lesson Five: Ancestors and our Other-than-Human Kin

  • Consider the relationship of ancestor-focused ritual to Earth-honoring ethics and practice
  • Partner with the ancestors to creatively interrupt the false human versus nature split
  • Explore how identity and culture expand our understanding of being human
  • Practice gently calling on your other-than-human ancestral affinities and teachers

Lesson Six: Mysticism, Awakening and the Dead

  • Discuss ancestor reverence in the context of non-duality and spiritual presence
  • Learn a practice for establishing an ancestral council to support personal awakening
  • Practice dissolving unhelpful divisions between different categories of ancestors
  • Appeal in ritual to the ancestors of awakening to support your path of realization

About the Instructor

daniel morocco 2024

Daniel Foor

Daniel is a doctor of psychology, experienced ritualist, and the author of Ancestral Medicine: Rituals for Personal and Family Healing. He is an initiate in the Òrìṣà tradition of Yoruba-speaking West Africa and has learned from teachers of Mahayana Buddhism, Islamic Sufism, and the older ways of his English and German ancestors. Daniel is passionate about training aspiring leaders and change makers in the intersections of cultural healing, animist ethics, and applied ritual arts. He lives with his wife and two daughters near Granada, Spain in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Learn More

Frequently Asked Questions

All live teaching calls with Daniel will be recorded and made available to registered participants in the course space. Participants will also have ongoing access to the recorded lessons and course materials.

This course directly addresses often vulnerable topics related to ongoing violence and harm in the world. The material may stir complicated emotions for some participants, and support outside the vessel of the lessons may be important as the course is not a replacement for individual or personalized support.

Enrollment includes access to our Community Forum—an online discussion group of students past and present, including supportive members from Ancestral Medicine’s Practitioner Network and Ancestral Medicine staff. Sharing experiences, reflecting on practices, and making connections in this private online community can provide one form of support.

To the very best of our ability, yes. All Ancestral Medicine offerings seek to embody an anti-racist, feminist, LGBTQ-celebrating, decolonizing and Earth-honoring ethic. They are also class-aware and internationally conscious. We offer a heartfelt, non-dogmatic approach that seeks to honor each participant’s unique life experiences and ancestral storylines. Resources included with each lesson favor ancestrally and geographically diverse voices, and the online Community Forum includes BIPOC and LGBTQ-only discussion spaces.

All of our lesson videos have auto-generated closed captioning and additional downloadable audio-only versions. If you have needs not met here, please feel free to reach out to us with suggestions at

For this course, we offer full refunds if requested before the first lesson begins and partial refunds if requested before the second lesson begins. See our Terms & Conditions.

If you have general questions about our organization, offerings, or values, you may enjoy our Frequently Asked Questions page. If there’s something else, we’d be happy to help! Reach out to and someone from our team will be in touch, usually within 1-2 business days.
