Ancestral Lineage Healing Intensive

Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

October 3-5, 2025

Three Days of Teaching and Practice with Dr. Daniel Foor and Ancestral Healing Practitioners

About the work

Ancestral lineage healing is the practice of relating directly with one’s blood ancestors for personal, family, and cultural healing. It involves safely establishing relationships with wise and well ancestors and enlisting their support to deeply heal your lineages reaching far back in time.

If you’ve participated in personal healing work and you’re now seeking greater breakthroughs, ancestral healing may be for you. This approach weaves helpful elements from psychology, cultural healing, and spiritual/ritual traditions. Patterns rooted in intergenerational cycles and cultural pain can find resolution. Coming into relationship with recent and more ancient ancestors can re-establish obscured blessings, improve relationships with the living, and encourage greater belonging and clarity around life purpose and path.


Learn a life-long framework to relate in direct, safe, and empowering ways with your family and lineage ancestors.

join, heal

Establish connections with ancestral guides and work in partnership with them for lasting personal and family healing. 


Join with your ancestors to support the resolution of larger systemic, generational, and cultural wounding.

About Sarajevo

Sarajevo is a city of memory, resilience, and renewal. It stands at the crossroads of empires, and has absorbed the influences of Ottoman, Austro-Hungarian, and Yugoslav rule, contributing to a complex cultural identity and one of deep tolerance and inclusivity. The land that is now Sarajevo has been inhabited for at least 7,000 years, and Muslim, Orthodox, Catholic, and Jewish communities have coexisted here for centuries, their influences etched into the city’s skyline, cuisine, and spirit.

Sarajevo is also marked by deep historical wounds. The city has seen both cultural flourishing and profound devastation, from the assassination that triggered World War I to the Bosnian War (1992-1996) including the Siege of Sarajevo and Bosnian Genocide. The great resilience of the diverse people of Sarajevo as well as the ongoing need to heal divisive forms of nationalism and supremacy make Bosnia and Herzegovina’s capital a dynamic location for in-depth ancestral healing practice.

Today, Sarajevo is vibrant and evolving. The cobbled streets of Baščaršija hum with life—old craftsmen’s shops sit beside contemporary cafés, and the scents of Bosnian coffee mingle with the smoke from traditional ćevapi grills. Ottoman-era fountains still offer water to passersby, and war-scarred buildings stand alongside new developments. Beyond the city, nearby mountains and wild areas nurture life and bear witness to the millennia of both rootedness and change.

And that which we call Bosnia is not merely a slip of land in the Balkans; for many of us, Bosnia is an idea, it is the belief that people of different religions, ethnicities and cultural traditions can live together.

— Alija Izetbegović


The event will be guided in English with live translation in Bosnian at whatever level needed to support full participation for Bosnians. We’ll gather for dedicated time in group ritual for about seven hours per day over three full days (10:00-13:00 and 15:00-18:30). There will be chairs and floor cushions and we encourage you to bring whatever you’ll need to be comfortable.

We’ll take spacious two-hour lunch breaks, and we’ll be near multiple restaurant options.

We’ll approach the work in ways that are psychologically grounded, ritually safe, and culturally inclusive. Teachings and practices are led by Daniel and a team of trained supporters. Those new to ancestor work, adoptees, and folks with a tough experience of family are welcome. The larger circle and gathering will also be a safe space for bringing care to historical pain.

Introductory Talk & Walking Tour of Sarajevo

On Wed, Oct 1, Daniel Foor will guide a free talk at Austrijska kuća, our main event location, from 18:00-19:30h (6-7:30pm). The focus will be Introduction to Ancestral Healing and there will be time for discussion. If needed, whisper translation in Bosnian will be provided. No need to confirm in advance, but please arrive for an on-time start. Doors open at 17:30h (5:30pm).

On Thurs, Oct 2, all who register for the three-day event (Oct 3-5) are welcome to join a walking tour of Sarajevo, free of charge. We envision a full, leisurely day from 10:00-17:00h (10am-5pm) and participants are welcome to join for part or all of the time at no cost. Both the Wednesday talk and the Thursday walking tour are optional for event participants.

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Three full days with teachings, different approaches to ritual, and time for live questions.


More than a dozen substantive guided practices in circle with drumming, song, offerings, and more.

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Small breakout groups for intimate sharing and processing, anchored by trained ritualists.

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Come away with a life-long framework to relate safely with your family and lineage ancestors.

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Co-create a tangible offering of beauty for your ancestors and the larger prayer of cultural healing.

We’ll approach the work in ways that are psychologically grounded, ritually safe, and culturally inclusive. Teachings and practices are led by Daniel and a team of trained supporters. Those new to ancestor work, adoptees, and folks with a tough experience of family are welcome.

Register for the Sarajevo Event

Price for anyone from EU countries, UK, USA, or other stronger economies
$ 675
  • (approximately 625 Euros or 1217 KM, conversion will vary)
Price for people in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Macedonia, or Albania*
$ 185
  • (approximately 170 Euros or 334 KM, conversion will vary)

*The price for local participants is to support accessibility for residents of Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as neighboring non-EU countries (e.g., Serbia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Macedonia, Albania). This rate also aims to avoid holding an ancestral healing gathering with mostly people from other lands.

If you are from less developed economies other than the six mentioned above and to attend you need to register at this lower price, it’s likely possible to do so in order to support accessibility, and please just check with our team first as we are committed to striking a cultural balance.

If none of these options are financially possible, a number of spaces are available at further reduced pricing. These are especially for working class people of the regions mentioned above, and for those working in some way to heal historical wounds. Please don’t hesitate to ask us (in whatever language) if you need this reduction to join; accessibility is a core value of our organization. You can apply for these spaces here: Application for Assisted Registration.

This event is co-organized by Optimalne Vibracije, a Bosnia and Herzegovina-based NGO whose mission is to foster unity in the Balkans among people of all ages, social classes, genders, sexual orientations, and ethnic/religious affiliations. They hold wellness workshops offering Tension/Trauma/Stress Release Exercises, sound baths, and education on optimizing health via mineral balancing and nutrition, and they collaborate with international healing practitioners to bring innovative healing methods to the region:

Daniel Foor

Daniel is a doctor of psychology, experienced ritualist, and the author of Ancestral Medicine: Rituals for Personal and Family Healing. He is an initiate in the Òrìṣà tradition of Yoruba-speaking West Africa and has learned from teachers of Mahayana Buddhism, Islamic Sufism, and the older ways of his English and German ancestors. Daniel is passionate about training aspiring leaders and change makers in the intersections of cultural healing, animist ethics, and applied ritual arts. He lives with his wife and two daughters near Granada, Spain in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains.

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Frequently Asked Questions

We gather each day, Friday through Sunday, from 10:00-13:00 then 15:00-18:30 with shorter mid-morning and mid-afternoon breaks and a spacious two-hour lunch break. Our shared time each day consists of four teaching and practice sessions of roughly 90 minutes each, two before lunch and two after.

These sessions are a blend of teaching and guided, experiential practice (often with drumming), sharing in small break-out groups anchored by trained supporters, main group dialogue, and other elements of ancestor-focused ritual, such as offering practice, song, and prayer. There are no prerequisites, however, prior experience with ritual and personal healing are helpful.

The lineage healing intensive closely follows the first nine chapters of Ancestral Medicine: Rituals for Personal and Family Healing as participants connect and partner with ancestral guides to support any among the dead still in need of assistance. Our signature online course Ancestral Lineage Healing also follows the steps of the lineage healing process, and these are the fundamental steps that practitioners are trained to guide in individual session work.

The process itself originated from years of in-person events, and there is an alchemy to multi-day group ritual that is unlike any of the other approaches to the work.

It’s important to note that the lineage healing intensive is fundamentally different from the Ancestral Healing Practitioner Training. Participants at intensives learn life-long skills for personally accessing ancestral support. However, this three-day intensive is not a substitute for the nearly year-long professional training that practitioners undertake in how to guide this work for others.

This approach is experiential, rooted in an ethic of kindness, and welcoming to people of diverse ancestries and any spiritual background (or lack thereof). Consistent with our organizational core values, intensives are rooted in feminist, decolonizing, anti-racist, LGBTQ-inclusive, class-aware, Earth-honoring ethics.

We seek to embody these values in ways that are non-dogmatic, warm-hearted, and encouraging of the vulnerability that supports depth ritual work.

Participants work directly with their own lineage ancestors, and are not expected to hold space for others beyond showing up in a mindful way during group shares. Attendees work alongside one another, each in their own space and personal process.

Each intensive also weaves in explicit respect and healing for the histories of place. With respect to the specific history of Sarajevo, this includes an explicit affirmation of religious tolerance and inclusivity. This also includes distancing from any forms of nationalism, supremacy, othering, or dehumanization that would hold one ancestral group or ethnicity as superior to another. Without shame or judgment, we aim to hold a safe, supportive space for healing and reconciliation.

Participants can expect an in-depth experience and should be personally well resourced. In addition to the lead teaching from Dr. Foor, there will be six to seven ritual supporters from the Ancestral Medicine Practitioner Network helping to anchor the event. Even with the care from a coordinated and culturally welcoming team, when guiding a group ritual for three full days, there are still limitations to the level of individualized support we will be able to provide.

If you have doubts about whether the intensive is a good container for your depth work, be in dialogue with the team beforehand. The intensive is not a substitute for personal therapy.

In addition to the in-person support during the time of the intensive, many participants find working with an individual practitioner to be beneficial. To connect with practitioners or practitioners-in-training, see this link for the Ancestral Medicine Practitioner Directory. The network includes options for different language needs, low income sessions, and other specializations, however sessions are not currently available in any of the regional variations of Bosnian/Serbo-Croatian.

Unless other arrangements are made, 25% of the overall cost is a non-refundable deposit.

If you need to cancel, please let us know as soon as you can. If something changes and you can’t join us, the closer cancellations are to the date of the event, the more difficult it is for us to fill the seats. The remaining registration payment may be refunded as follows:

A 75% refund is available for cancellations made anytime before Aug 3 (60 days before we gather). A 50% refund is available for cancellations made between 30 and 60 days before the intensive begins. There are no refunds available for cancellations made after Sept 3 (less than 30 days before the intensive begins). We reserve the option to extend flexibility on this policy especially in cases where an open space has been filled. In-person intensives require significant organizational resources and these policies help to ensure these offerings remain sustainable.

We’re happy to help with any questions! Reach out to with your question and someone from our team will be in touch, usually within two business days. If it helps to write in Bosnian, it’s fine, we’ll just use Google translate so pardon any awkwardness.

Have a question that’s not answered here?
